Anyone else ever shit outside sometimes?

2  2019-05-20 by Officer_McGrady

Sometimes I squat in the backyard and just shit everywhere. I always blame it on my dog. Idk there’s just something so raw and natural about shitting outside.


I pretty much exclusively piss outside and I had to shit on a golf course once. It wasn't bad.

I had to shit really bad one time, so I shit in an empty cardboard box in the back of my work truck and threw it in between some Mexicans houses

"You see this!? It means not welcome!"

No molestar!

Why would you raise their property values if you're trying to fuck with them?

The Opester shits exclusively on the beach now, brotherman

Only on the beach brothaman.

Street shitting

I think that’s called “on the spectrum”

Are you an Indian op?

Probably wiped your ass bare handed til you came to this sub!


I shit outside 3 times in my life.

1 - I was in first grade. We were on a family vacation driving thru the middle of nowhere Texas. Had to make an emergency stop on the side of the highway so I could shit behind a bush. I remember people honking at me while I was squatting.

2 - I was about middle school age. Was swimming in the local river and had to shit. So I just pooped in the river and let nature take care of it.

3 - In high school we'd smoke weed(maaaaaaaaaan) by the train tracks near my house. I was stoned and had to shit. I shit behind a train car and used and old piece of homework from my backpack to wipe my ass.

Artie's story of crapping his pants is great

My proudest shitting moment was outside. Had a huge hangover shit while fishing in the woods.

Half hour later 2 lesbians come walking by with their dog, and the dog grabs my shitlog and runs back to the 2 dykes with it in its mouth. I tried to avoid making eye contact like I had no clue what was going on.

I believe you.

One ofmy best 'public shits' was when I visited California for the first time ever a few years back. My friend drove me to Santa Monica and we went swimming. I started getting stomach pains and there were no bathrooms for miles. I did the reasonable thing and let it all out in the ocean. The fishes got fed well that day, I tell ya.