Pattycakes Doesn't Care For Fez's Review

122  2019-05-19 by UnemployedOpie


I think we would all enjoy watching Henry Fonda pick blueberries

Ah, the moment when our Lord and Savior Norm Macdonald rendered Jim Norton to rubble.

It's one of the few times someone has countered their own roasting.

Why wouldn't he come back here?

And shut up?

I'm not good

Every single time he responds to these he is putting a nail in his own coffin. How the fuck does he not understand by now that this will only encourage people here, and look stone cold insane to anybody just looking for a book to read.

He still doesn't have a higher star rating. The review under it didn't change. He just added a comment that makes him look like a thin skinned loser.

Well to be fair he really is thin skinned loser


Thin skin pulled over a very thick layer of brat and beer blubber.

All he has to do is leave it alone.

Not only that he hasn’t figured it out on his own, but several people, myself included, have explicitly expressed this in this sub, which he reads.

We don’t have access to his book? Someone here managed to pirate Anthony’s “book”, I’m sure we have access to this fatso’s too

It’s not out yet

Neither is Patrick, but that doesn’t stop him from acting like a gigantic gay.

Sir you just pitched a grand slam for the other team, response?

Fuck you goodreads responders.

It's true that almost nobody outside this sub knows him but he's so mentally ill that he will never believe a negative thing said about his personality or books. He will automatically assume it's someone from this sub. It's spectacular to see.

If we prime him enough, any negativity he receives he'll just attribute here.

We could make him legitimately crazy in a few months

The Mr Manchester Incident is a great example of what we'll have to look forward to.

Eventually one of us is going to get our hands on a copy, and then what? How's he going to deflect criticism from someone who owns the piece of shit book?

Child, little one.

Is there really a Fonald Plump, or is that you guys fucking around?

If so, that is top tier fucking cringe.

if cringe anarchy was still around that alone would be top tier content.

Of course not. Patrick would be "clever" by making his Trump character a space dictator ape named "Dolf Orangus."

There already was a dictator ape in the white house, he left in 2016. That might confuse people.

Patrick would go with a space carrot Named Donald Trumpp (2 p's), who was orange and bad.

He never did nothing bad, all you heard was people saying he was bad.

Ok faggot, thanks for that cool breakdown

No problem, glad my well thought out contribution to this discussion moved you in such a way.

I think he actually did the Fonald Plump thing, dude


Dolf Orangus is way to clever for Pat, he sat up nights trying to come up with Fonald Plump.

I saw it in the actual review that got posted here earlier, so I'm assuming it's real

The "Fonald Plump" thing is fucking genius.


died at Henry Fonda picking blueberries

Henry Fonda picking blueberries? Lmao Jim Norton is a comic genius and also totally straight.

Ugh, that isn't even the worst part. Check this snippet from another, seemingly legitimate, review:

I also have to note in passing that there is some rather biting commentary on our current political situation in the last episode that is not very subtle. If you are at all a fan of the current administration, you will probably be offended by the last section of the novel. If you are not a fan, you will probably think it hilarious.

How pathetic do you have to be to use a fictional novel to so blatantly pontificate/whine about who is currently in the White House for a few more years? In the past, even semi-talented authors could layer their criticisms or generalize it enough to make it "timeless". Of course Fatrick is so untalented, he can only write "Orange man bad".

I'm not even gonna read the book for free, but I'm guessing there's some bloated orange space monster which abuses alien women and minorities, and the protagonist spends several paragraphs berating it and those that follow it, before vowing to bring the orange monster & his minions down?

Or...god even worse, is the "heroic" character that vows to do all this named.... M'u-Lur?

Careful, the title of his book and a thumbnail of the cover are featured in this screenshot. You’re gonna get us all busted for flagrant violations of copyright law.

His books pose as cypher keys to unlock child pornography on Google Drive.

Its the only explanation for the fucking gibberish on the page