“A couple of scripts that were probably low-value paper credits, not that she could read them yet, a couple of pictures of what looked like manatee porn, and …”

5  2019-05-19 by HollandJimmy

“Manatee porn” ... WTF?


I'll take "Summary of the Search Warrant Served at Patrick's Duplex" for $500.

His comedic chops are lacking. Also he's a pedophile.

I too heard he was a pedophile. Must be true if so many people know about it.


I need 2 words that sound funny together!

Jigaboo semen? No I drink that.

Peanut butter Doberman? No Nikki like that, so do I.

Manatee Porn! Fucking hilarious! Watch out Rickles and Carlin, here I come

First he drops the f-bomb in the dedication and now this. Might have to read this one after the kids go to bed.