Reminder: Joe Cumia beat his wife with a frying pan

46  2019-05-19 by TranthonyRapesKids

What a monster you are, u/doxxer100


He could have used his weapon of service in the 82nd airborne. Faggot.

He's a nigger! HE'S A NIGGER! HE'S A NIGGER!

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Is that why her face is so fucked up?

u/doxxer100 is a cow faced moron

What is the story behind the frying pan incident?

"Joshua tree? More like Joshua fag!" WHAMMO!

Yeah, but he's still a fag.

OK, so 1 point in Joe's favor.

Don't forget the massive wall of text he posted here, desperately trying to shift the blame off of himself and onto her. Typical sociopath abuser

Dominic Barbara, Bloated attorney, advised my ex-wife (btw, this happened about 20 years ago) to get an order of protection, bite her own lip, make it bleed a little and call the cops claiming I hit her to get me out of the house until the divorce was final. Where did the frying pan angle came from? Anyway, I did fuck around on her while we were married, played her like a yo-yo, in between... I was pretty much a POS in that marriage, so she was extremely pissed off when she found out I was cheating on her.

She did exactly what Dominic advised her to do. I was arrested one night as I did my laundry, The cops were cool though. They see that shit all the time. It’s a common tactic for gaining leverage in a divorce case. I was arrested and put in a holding tank with 4 other poor saps who were in for the SAME THING. It’s called criminal contempt, or breaking an O of P. That’s why marriage sucks. Has nothing to do with weather a woman is “marriage material”.. The legalities re: the contract of marriage is not good for a man. Period.

Dominic Barbara was notorious for being a scumbag divorce lawyer, but hey.. his tactic was a great fit for your narrative here all these years later. He was one of you without ever knowing it. You’re all as guilty as he is for spreading bullshit, but that’s the trolling game.

Aftermath: I provided my attorney with audio tape of her admitting to what she did while speaking with a friendly neighbor that taped her for me. My lawyer gave the tape to the DA, the DA dropped all charges and ACOD’s the case. Never had another incident before or after involving any kind of domestic dispute.

The End.

        Momma! Uncle Joe trying to drink my spit again! Baby no like!
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Potato peeler. Only thing he's ever served was cocks at the Big Apple Ranch.