He just swapped out his child’s mother for a fresh one. Notice the kids face....chilling.

43  2019-05-18 by SibHashian13


Both these bitches are on borrowed time.

She's aging out of her molestable without calling the cops phase.

Aging out of her "looks like Patton, but it's cute" phase

That poor girl. Forced to accepting "new mommy" in under a year and looking like Patton Oswald

She’s inherited beardless gnome genetics and there’s only so much one can do with that - future is not gonna be very pretty for her.

did she even notice mommy was gone? his new wife looks eerily similar to the old one.

Kill your wife much, faggot?

Cold blooded. The Jeff Dahmer of Hollywood

His icy winter turtle smile will he featured heavily in an upcoming Dateline special

The sponsers are for drying tears and cleaning up messes. How appropriate.

He fucked up. She's old enough to remember mommy and daddy yelling.

Poor little waif will probably drop dead from eating half a peanut and discovering her EpiPen is woefully and purposefully out of date.

"I don't always marry your mom's best friend, but when I do I kill her first then finish writing her book!"

His life is a fucking episode of Forensic Files.

"Now remember honey, I'm in charge. Put your hand where I say to put it when the photographer takes our picture. The world will watch."

Look at her already dressing like a sassy slut.

The Incredibles 2 will never be the same.

He loaned the kid his favorite shoes

Mother fucker didn't even wait for his wife's body to cool

That daughter already looks like an angry dyke.

Three fat lumps.