No offense.. but that sounds like some fuckin commie gobbledygook to me

136  2019-05-18 by Dr-ButtertitsMcGilly


'I don't want to go back in time to kill Hitler in case he hypnotizes me with his beautiful fucking eyes.'

"Get this, says here he was a veteran of world war one! By golly, and he was a painter too... Hoooooold the fort................. he hated Jews."

Solid solid joke. You got a source or date?

It's Norm from the same show that's the source of the photo.

Yeah. What are you? Fucking retarded? No, I shouldn’t say that. That’s not politically correct. What are you, Down syndrome?

Norm: How'd you come up with the name "The Lonely Island"?

Faggots: borefest story about how they got their gay name.

Norm: Wow I wish I had a time machine.

Faggots: So you could see us come up with the name?

Norm: So I could take back my question.

It's a good dig at them, but don't go giving him credit. That sounds like something Dave Letterman would say to a non-celebrity guest, or sometbting Rickles would say when he was guest hosting for Carson

"That's just something a comedy legend might say in a similar situation" wow got his ass

Hah? Just saying he probably just repeated a classic zinger by one of his biggest heroes. Norm wears his influences on his sleeve.

Okay so you just randomly decided he might have stole it, cool.

Stole? I'd wager Rickles probably used it because he saw some old Jew do it on Vaudeville. It's probably as old as the idea that a man can go back in time. Says a lot about you that you're not clever enough to imagine that.

You're admitting you just imagined up the thing you're getting mad about

You're imagining I was mad. This sub is full of bonafide retards.

Sounds like someone wants to get Patted.

The master race of this sub probably agrees it's full of retards like you tacking on baby noises and trite racial comments to decent threads.

The master race of this sub (whatever that is lol?) doesn’t give a fuck about accurate naming of uppity liberals and their nonsense. But go on and continue Patricking it up.

I don't think it's possible for you to deny how mad you are right now

Ah and yet I deny it. Shows what you know.

Bro, all you do on Reddit is get mad and deny it like a petulant child that refuses to see reason when it's presented to him on a silver platter with instructions.

my Metacanada N, nice

Norm's been friends with Letterman for 30+ years now, he made Dave laugh as much as any guest he ever had.

Who's saying different.

Do you just follow bots around saying "good bot"?

I was doing the Lord's work. Go back to r/Cumtown

If you were doing the Lord's work why did you delete them?

Just go get your shinebox

Yes, don’t give him credit for saying something that could have been said by two legends of comedy.

see this is why it's not accurate to describe Norm as Anticomedy. this is how he responds to just stupid vapid non humor from people like andy sambagel trying to be clever

Norm: You know what I call you guys?

Samberg: what?

Norm: Andy Samberg and those other FUCKIN GUYS

Norm 'Kike-Buster' MacDonald.

All the stars are here!

Listen Barfyman362, no you cannot rape my mother with a knife.

The look of utter disgust on the worthless whores he was talking to at the time make this one of the funniest moments in the history of mankind.

I feverishly un-masturbated to them when i saw this. Took back all my loads. Sent 'em Norms way...

I thought the blonde girl made a rape joke right after that, but I may be misremembering. She had an amazing body in that horror movie/comedy. I forgot what it was, but I'll find nudes.

I think she was the one getting fucked towards the beginning of Under the Silver Lake. She's nude in that, too.

That movie stinks. But then I watched RedLetterMedia praising it and now I love it!

I loved that whole interview but man that oink line was rough.

He needs to get better insurance.

She's great from the neck up.

That's an amazing body? She looks like she just got out of Dachau.

She's a little fat, but yeah, it's pretty good.

hard dick warrior with his priorities straight

The blonde was a good sport. Harry Potter's accountant was more offended.

“He’s an A-rab, if that helps!”

He's an acid-tongued arab!

Letting wamen think their opinions mattered was the single biggest mistake in the history of mankind. It’s been all downhill since then.

Letting women think their opinions matter is fine.. there's no better way to shut a woman up. But actually giving them a vote has proved to be the single greatest mistake men in this country have ever made

Ok I’ll bite. Please name one woman who has ever shut up when they thought people were actually listening. I’ll wait.

I’d put voting as #2, because without letting them think their opinions mattered, we wouldn’t have gotten that far.

I guess I can agree with that. Regardless men are now fucked in perpetuity forever regardless of what we do.. we let them vote their way out of personal responsibility with no cause divorces and abortion laws and now women are literally like feral animals running wild. We need a Christian theocracy implemented with a Sharia like ferocity to reign these sociopaths in

Women already like hijabs, they think its trendy and twist it around saying covering up is a way to control men since most are undeserving to check them out. Bizarro world sharia law

Amen brother

Too late for that. But women have paved the way for Muslims to take over the West and put them in their place. Nice destroying western civilization, stupid.

Say what you will about muslims but they have their women under fucking control.

Sorry for bringing up Hitler

“You acid-tongued Arab.”

At the time I recall this appearance being good but even for then it was so-so. Compared to shit nowadays, this is a CLASSIC moment in media.

Norm used to be friends with Sarah.

She tells a story of when she shit herself a little bit and Norm was like "WTF is that smell? Did someone make diarrhea?"

Unfortunately, the way that turned out is that sarah went woke and so it was her Twitter that turnt to complete and total diarrhea and Norm was the one guy who actually had principles and stood by those principles and so became the set-in-stone legend that he is.

Give me a video clip not a picture you cunt.

The asshole OP that dint even link the clip.

Sarah Spectre

I wonder what that acid tongued Arab is doing nowadays.

Nobody funnier than her, except dudes.

I'd like to see some gobbledygook spat out onto her face from my dick

did he actually say this? link pls