Now that Joe has no excuse not to answer

27  2019-05-18 by ElFaporino

Where's your DD214, you obese valor thief?


That's classified

Joe is classified as a homosexual negro

Well at least someone here has seen his papers

Ol' Joseph "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Cumia

Ol' Joseph "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Cumia

Ol' Joseph "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Cumia

Ol' Joseph "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Cumia

U/Doxxer100 prove your claims Faggot, or they will hereafter be considered lies

u/Doxxer100 prove your claims Faggot, or they will hereafter be considered lies

u/Doxxer100 prove your claims Faggot, or they will hereafter be considered lies

prove your claims Faggot, or they will hereafter be considered lies

u/Doxxer100 prove your claims Faggot, or they will hereafter be considered lies

prove your claims Faggot, or they will hereafter be considered lies

u/doxxer100, prove your claims or be declared a liar and valor thief.

Is he still a mod?

Come on, tough guy!

I asked him a few times directly on the old sub. Once he actually addressed it and said he wasn't at home but would "post it later." This would've been a couple of months ago.

What's on that paper, Joemosexual? Dishonorable discharge? Failed psych evaluation? Faggot shit? Stealing from your buddies? What have you got to hide?