If Terry's our mom, I want Lady Di to be that crazy fun loving aunt that always has gum or mints for us when she visits.

47  2019-05-18 by JimsJarOfMustard


It's all fun until she's drunk as fuck, driving the car down the wrong way on a highway, while smoking weed with you and siblings in the back of the car talking to 911 on the phone. There's something wrong about Aunt Diane


That documentary was fucked. Those pictures of her and the ppl she killed at end were messed up

The denial of some of the people left behind was mindboggling.

This documentary was so frustrating.

That documentary was so bizarre.

Her husband was the dumbest man on earth.

Intern Jackie can get it. Don't even blame Tranpa for that saga.

New but idea: We contact Jackie and Sydney and convince them to MeToo Cumia.

Ew, she banged pock face?

He tried, probably failed though. This was right around when the raptor in the backyard first appeared and the interns took a picture next to it

No. But there are hours of radio and some very awkward "Compound" pho is of his attempt to do so.

Sydney was hotter.

But, I follow you.

I was always more of a Sydney fan myself too. She has that strung out look I like.

I heard a clip of her recently when she was on the show signing a Monkees tune. I have no shame in saying i teared up.

get outta here with the tearjerker shit

get outta here with the tearjerker shit

get outta here with the tearjerker shit

When bill died? Yeah. Weirdly moving.

When bill died? Yeah. Weirdly moving.

When Bill died.

Yep. Real tear jerker

Ahahahahaha. No no no no no.

Bill's in the freezer, okay?

Hey it's me Marion what am I ?

The crazy aunts crazier friend that has taxidermied cats in her living room.

Ahhh yeesssss patrolling the east coastal shore ahhh yeesss

Hey hey! We’re the drunkies!

Hey hey! We’re the drunkies!

get outta here with the tearjerker shit

Natty Ice Aunt

I listened to her internship recently. Everyone involved with that shit was a true piece of shit. Norton, fake alcoholic, bargained margaritas to get her to do shit. Fucking garbage.

Ok. But I'm not changing her depends