I have so many people on social media saying to delete/unfollow them if they're pro-life and therefore hate women.

0  2019-05-18 by MrStealYourVape

Like, I hate women, and I'm prochoice because it statistically prevents more black people, but fundamentally and in a perfect world where black people didn't exist, I'd say I was pro-choice.

What do I do? Do I delete these people from my social media, or would that just make me look like a prick and let them "win".

They're all so fucking gay. It's all whores and "soy boys" of course.


The real option is to kill yourself for posting such a terrible thread.

I can’t disagree. Grown men shouldn’t be on Facebook

Social media is for boomers and gays.

Aka Cumias

Just keep mentioning how it's literally murder, whether you give a shit or not. These whores pretend they don't believe you and it's just a clump of cells they're having vacuumed out of their snatch but deep down it greatly bothers them on a psychological level and it's fun to watch them overtaken by guilt.

HYPOTHETICALLY (so this is NOT inciting brigading) -- but seriously, all jokes aside, this is actually hypothetically -- if you were to go on the abortion sub and message women pretending to be their dead baby, asking "Why'd you kill me mommy" they'd be traumitized. I know this for a fact... hypothetically.

I wouldn't condone it, but it would be awfully funny.

I'm for abortion. But it fucks with women psychologically when they do it. And their heads aren't on too straight to begin with. Everyday you think about the fact that you murdered a baby that was growing inside.

The same shit happened when Trump was elected. It's fucking middle-school bullshit. I basically don't go on social media at all anymore because of this kind of nonsense. People I know message me back and forth, that's about it. I haven't looked at anyone's stupid fucking timeline in almost a year.

It almost sounds like you are insinuating that emoji magic didn't put Bernie in the White House... But no, that can't be it. I was assured by the Reddit front page that it was a sure-fire plan.

Who the fuck cares? Social media is for loudmouth assholes anyway.

There's someone on there I've been friends with for 10+ years, who made a lost like described in the OP. We've been through a lot together, and he indirectly (since it was a message to everyone, and he doesn't know I'm prolife) said to delete him because of some controversial political point. How fucked is that?

I won't delete him, but that's it between us. How can you be friends with someone who hates you?

Holy fuck I sound like a woman. Fuck this is gay. It's their fault, they started this.


Did you even read what you wrote? Take your existential faggot crisis to /r/chapotraohouse. They love sucking each other off over meaningless trash like this.

I hope the RaspberryPi you used to code this hypothetically sparks and catches your shit heap of an existence on fire and hypothetically you and your invalid mother cannot escape.

So why don't you just delete him?

Because you're a faggot

At least I'm not gay for a dude that doesn't even want to associate with me

Kill your self— there, problem solved.

I'm pro life despite hating blacks. So what does that tell you

Can we just legally make women second class citizens? They obviously have accomplished nothing with their suffrage

As long as they're not that important to you. I wouldn't make it a hill to die on or anything but fuck those little cunts and their shitty 'comply with my opinion or else' attitude.

Fuck me though how much has this issue driven those types mad? It's so good.

As long as they're not that important to you. I wouldn't make it a hill to die on or anything but fuck those little cunts and their shitty 'comply with my opinion or else' attitude.

Fuck me though how much has this issue driven those types mad? It's so good.