I wish to kill these faggots. Ban me - IDGAF

0  2019-05-17 by HollandJimmy


Let's chain them up in the Joseph lane

Calm down, take a deep breath or two....


More apt to target the owners who uncollared him and "let him go" because he lost those puppy dog looks and/or had "behavioral problems" (from their shitty training).

It was a pit bull. Who do you think his "owners" were?


Good bot

Good bot

Good bot

Good bot

i held my dog while they put it down

i still can see the shit pouring down its white fur

good times

I'm confused, what's bad about the video? Gotta get the dumb mutt to the kill room somehow.

This is news

pit bull pup

How many children's lives were saved by these heroes?

This makes me absolutely sick...quoting Facebook commenters in your news article like their opinions have any value I mean.

i want to kill all the pitbulls too... you got my 100 percent support