
18  2019-05-17 by HuxleyOverOrwell


I say take their big beefer women as war brides for WASP America and then just torch the place

Let's keep the virus around to see if we can harness it!

Let's skip your first step and just do the second.

We should let them get into a long protracted war with their neighbors and let THEM torch the place.

You need to read up on your Sun Tzu.

Israel is ruled by a paranoiac doom-oriented religious ideology. If America cuts off support and leaves them dangling Israel literally will just start throwing nukes everywhere. It would be interesting to see.

You're exactly right. It's called the "Sampson Option".

In the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Arab forces were overwhelming Israeli forces and Prime Minister Golda Meir authorized a nuclear alert and ordered 13 atomic bombs be readied for use by missiles and aircraft. The Israeli Ambassador warned President Nixon of "very serious conclusions" if the United States did not airlift supplies. Nixon complied.

Homer Sampson option

Unfortunately for now they seem better at getting us into long protracted wars with their neighbours than the reverse.

Unfortunately for now they seem better at getting us into long protracted wars with their neighbours than the reverse.

Unfortunately for now they seem better at getting us into long protracted wars with their neighbours than the reverse.

Unfortunately for now they're very good at getting us into protracted wars with their neighbours not the reverse.

Unfortunately for now they're very good at getting us into protracted wars with their neighbours not the reverse.

Unfortunately for now they're very good at getting us into protracted wars with their neighbours not the reverse.

Unfortunately for now they're very good at getting us into protracted wars with their neighbours not the reverse.

I banged a chick named Rafa once

Israel = New Jersey. so many annoying jews!!!

How big geographically is Israel, bigger or smaller than New Jersey?

You better keep your head on a swivel.

Never again - guy slowly colonizing a poor defenceless arab country while blaming them for being upset about it. Sounds familiar.

Imagine how boring things must be down at Eilat with no Palestinians around blowing themselves up.