Golfer signs balls before putting practice

3  2019-05-17 by ScarletNumbered


What is it with brown people needing to tag everything?

Das raciss!

The only time I have ever been star struck was when I met Tiger Woods. It was after all the sex shit broke and I had been listening to O&A break it down because he had to be in town to play in the PGA Championship. He pulls a big dick move and parks his yacht, named The Privacy (which is a nice touch) in the middle of the harbor. Then takes an all teak yacht tender that costs more than my house to the dock and is immediately shuttled off by PGA staff.

About 6 hours later he came into the secluded bar I was in on the island. On the way out, I pulled a horrible douche chill move. No better than Opie's "good luck bro" in the park. I said in my horrible accent,"You'll come back and get em Tiger." He deadpan looks me in the eyes and says, "Yeah. I know..". I instantly realized I was about the 100th person to tell him the same thing, like an asshole.

I'm a faggot. Good times.

I once had a friend who was a tweaker named Clayton in 6th grade, by 8th grade he was an actual Neo-Nazi and I am not white but somehow we remained friends, only at a distance. But one day we found out a group of guys was gonna fuck him up at an outdoor football-based student assembly. As the group closed in on him, I told him, "whatever happens, I got your back, man." He fuckin' chuckled, and said "half the school's got my back."