
120  2019-05-17 by AntsCamera


Now the camel fucking, young boy raping Muslims are going to blow this sub up.

Thankfully they're too busy playing poker and taking their heart medication at the Compound.

Tolerance, please. This is a new sub.

  1. He married a nine-year-old.

  2. His last name was Cumia.


Antwaan Abdul Kumiya al-Masticani

He married a 6 year old. He waited until she was 9 to have penetrative sex with her (as any gentleman would). From the years of 6 - 9 he fucked her thighs. This loophole in local law was heralded as one of his greatest contributions. This is all 100% accurate. I like to explain this to the Turks I play against on my backgammon app.

Shia's like to discredit this account by calling Aisha a liar.


D’ere always tellin’ lies! Paul put it there! Paul put it there! LIES!

Giant pedophile faggot. Also fucks goats.

Fun fact: Mohammed told his followers to drink camel piss because they were sick, and his followers would rub his spit and blood all over their faces and bodies because they thought it was holy

But you know, Muslims are just like us mahhhn

It's really weird living in a culture where every mainstream media outlet is trying to cover up how insane and retarded these people are

I know it's hate speech but Islam can just take a hike as far as I'm concerned.

Alright now that’s just taking it too far.

Oh great, now Admins have to take down the sub

Speaking of which, have you seen my vape pen?

I hear ya, fella. They’re all wet in my opinion.

Didn't Colin Quinn (praise be to him) say something like "now let's not let a few million bad apples spoil the bunch." #imwithCol

I know sometimes the jokes in this sub push the envelope, but c'mon man, that's too much. This really could get you a subpoena

Peace Be Upon Him

More like piece be upon him, because he blew himself up.

Card carrying

Praise Allah for revealing jelqing to the Prophet of Prophets!

A bit of a bad temper too it seems.

That's Muslim Jesus, not Muhammad

Isn’t that supposed to be Ali?

Ali al Saleem

Ali G in da House. East side iz da best

Muhammed was a piece of shit, to be sure, but he was still a better man than Anthony Cumia.

islamic apologists have a real cognitive dissonance when it comes to this ugly fact. you can't argue that it was a sign of the times. Even back then, I don't think it was customary to fuck nine year olds. nevertheless aren't prophets supposed to transcend culture?

But the founding fathers were assholes for not freeing the blacks when we see how that worked out for us. Dumbasses.

Allahu Eyeshadow.

FACT: The Middle East has the highest levels of cousin marriage anywhere in the world, meaning Arabs are nothing but dumb violent inbreds. There's a reason you don't see a lot of Nobel Prizes coming out of that region of the world.