Not a faggot.

10  2019-05-17 by GKChestbrahson


The curse of the Irish: to be absolutely right about everything only for future generations to take you seriously, but were not taken seriously because you're a fat drunken Mick with novelty-sized ears.

Poor man's George Lincoln Rockwell, if you ask me.

Didn't go far enough.

lookup roy cohn.

Very interesting guy. Of course he was one of Trump's mentors as well.

the architect behind McCarthyism

That's not true. By 1947, McCarthy was wise to the communist conspiracy (famous speech in Wheeling, West Virginia). Cohn entered the picture during the Army-McCarthy hearings in 1954.

c'mon, just go with the jewish conspiracy bit.

The real enemy was implied. Just look at the names/backgrounds of people who were outed. They had a certain tribe in common- I mean, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, amirite?

fuck that cocksucker

Better dead than red, pinko.

Funny for how vilified this man was in his time, much of what he was warning about came true.