Lunatic alt-left bloated amateur writer misspells 5th-grade level word, is quickly corrected by Reddit Bot.

170  2019-05-17 by rikcy12


Where did this happen and why wasn't I told!?

Im sure if you look through u/patrickstomlinson s post history you can find the pudgy idiot

Oh... it's beautiful

Wow, I've read online that /u/patrickstomlinson only ever punches down, particularly on ethnoreligious minorities and hu-people who identify as a LBJGQTINX.. but it took actually reading his repetitive comments to realize:

/u/patrickstomlinson calls everyone "little one" and "child" to emulate his hero, The Purple Thing from Avengers, whose magnum opus was the genocide of half of all living creatures and the entirety of the Black Panther planet (except for that one Lupe Nowanna'go chick who survived but the team declined to invite to their time heist)...

Reminder: this man supposedly writes for a living.

In space no one can see your typos.

Online, no one sees your red squiggles.


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low-key my favorite part is his plea to the moderators of the Cuckold subreddit to delete the post, since there is only one moderator and he hasn't posted for 2 months

And im sure the alpha in a cuckold sub is going to bend to the will of a chubby beta

Lol I didn’t even notice that. Time to get busy.

moderators of the cuckold subreddit

Why is it trendy to misuse "low-key" now?

Because slang is a constantly, pointlessly evolving gutterspeak. Weirding language decentralizes ideas and makes people pliable.

Fuck with Pat and he gets you shitcanned from the cuckholding sub.

That post is someone trying to get this subreddit shit down.

That was my first thought

Hmm. You'd think he'd use something like this in that massive lawsuit he's been cooking up against us instead of begging the mods to delete it and ban the guy. u/patrickstomlinson comment?

The best part would be if he actually did sue someone for the posts. The defendant to plaintiff interrogatories would be hilarious. He'd have to truthfully answer about his employment and "six figure salary," his history with cuckholdry, incidence of bar fights, posting threats online, the rumors of less than savory behavior with underage people etc etc.

If he brings up mental anguish you animals have caused, that opens the door to explore any of his previous mental health incidents that are unrelated to Reddit, which he's alluded to on his social media.

Alt-left/alt-right are people incapable of free thought.

alternative thought is like alternative medicine

Dumb mods over there don't allow up or downvotes.

I'm surprised Fatrick's response didn't get more downvotes.

I liked "Descartian cull-du-sac" in that sci-fi world building pamphlet

Well la dee FRICKEN da we got ourselves a writer.

Hey I cant see to good, is that Billy Shakespeare over there?

How did he even know how to find it? Must have been browsing already

Good bot.