Jim Nordin will be on Brother Wease 7am est

17  2019-05-17 by stillsellingjerry


Why would Wease muthafuck the opster?

but will he have the balls to go on the bee?

Jim pays more than that for meat and teets, agoosh

If braun brokered an appearance by Jim on the Bee, I would hope Terry would play Howard to his Gilda Radner.

I think people should call in with seemingly sincere questions, then change them at the last minute to ones about transsexual prostitutes and how bad jim and sam is. Thats just one mans opinion.

I went to the channels Instagram to see the live stream. I was the only viewer. @radio_951

I see that number dropping when Norton gets on the mic

Or about stealing $60K from truck drivers.

His greatest bit.

it's not like he has his own radio show to do is! i hope Sirius fires his fucking ass!


brother wease rules but having jim on is pathetic!

Oooff, and chip made fun of him not to long ago.

Your comment implies you watch/listen to that garbage. For shame!

It’s on one of the big compilations of them going hard after our lord and savior Opie. I had to listen to help fuel my love for the destroyer

Well, I suppose that's alright then. Thank you for your service.

Wease is Switzerland

The nursery raiding continues

Maybe Wease will bring Opie in as a surprise guest, Springer style.

He should bring in Opie and old intern Lily from the R&F show who worked with Wease and more importantly fucked Jim in the XM years. That’d be a show I’d listen to.

That would be great. Could you imagine Norton just blinking, bumbling, and stuttering his way through an encounter with Opie? The twitter feed would go silent for a few days, followed by a DArk tirade on Jim and Sam (If Sam, as first mic, is on board, of course).


He would do his best to sound like a lively honest diplomatic guy but he's too sleepy for that shit. At 7AM even his asshole doesn't produce his signature putrid farts.

They're called "gassers", get it right bud. Much funnier that way.