No mention of Anthony “Nigger” Cumia

6  2019-05-17 by Dachosen17


Didn't know Tranthony had so much in common with Ted Nugent until this shrill thread.

4.3k karma for that piece of shit post? That’s 4.3k faggots.

Imagine being such a sensitive bitch to other opinions that you would accuse a liberal faggot like Rogan of being an accomplice to the far right lol.

There should never be a social penalty for seeing why somebody thinks something.

Are you implying that we should allow people to voice their views freely without any threat to their livelihoods?


You didn't ask you friend why he thinks that, or better yet, access the content yourself, but just ran to a message board to ask people how to think about something? What the hell is wrong with people?