Opester yucking it up with Carl Ruiz and Vic Henley. Just like old times!

8  2019-05-17 by Patmcpsu


They say Meat Truck Vickie's the toughest dyke in town.

Jesus that shirt

Dog whistling as usual.

Take your hat off. They don't serve hotdogs here anymore.


Carls hands are like 5 inches long

5 inches is 12.7 cm

good bot

I don't give a fuck that we use centimeters here, get your goddamn metric system out of my fucking face you fucking robot

Big hands mean big dick. Big dick means Mrs. Chip is interested.

We love him because he's an autist at heart just like us. Who else would hold the shot on their free glass of water in such an uncompromisingly braggadocios manner?