Attention whores with big tits who took online trolling better than Fatrick

18  2019-05-16 by spams_seed


I wish I could have been her uncle...

It was actually her grandfather.

Cmon dude stop my dick can only get so hard

2 days of “cyber bullying.” Two days.

For a bitch with no shame who took miles of cock for cash, that's some pretty thin skin.

You'd think you might toughen up a bit after a roomful of niggers run a train on your asshole then blow loads in your face.

It worked for Joe

For a bitch with no shame who took miles of cock for cash, that's some pretty thin skin.

taking abuse for cash and taking abuse for free are different

I feel like if you can gargle jungle creature semen for money, you can take "Hey, if you don't take HIV cum in your ass, you hate the gays" for free.

yeah, well that is just like, your opinion maaan

What a pussy. Joe is like the deranged Vietnam veteran of cyberbullying.

Clearly the fag mafia killed her for daring to speak out against their agenda of disease-spreading and bug-chasing.

Also I love that her real last name was Grabowski.

She could have kept her real first name.

Gay or not, all the escorting they gotta do to pay the bills since the internet destroyed them means everyone is a risk.

What a homophobe, refusing to do a porn scene with a person who wouldnt get tested for HIV

She’s Dead!!!!

Canadian who thought the Mounties were going to save her from mean things people say online.

What a fat titted dummy

She was born with the name Mercedes GRABowski and she CHANGED it to do porn????