Jim solo hosting today and said this: enough with states rights already. We are a country.

236  2019-05-16 by lawyerherelistenup

Ventura was right, he doesn't care about the Constitution


Classic Retard Uneducated Jim

The country was founded on the idea of states rights, Norton. Go read a book in between your dick sucking sessions

Guys come on, we live in a society, okay? Just accept globalism and chicks with dicks already.

We accepted chicks with dicks years ago, get with the times faggot.


This is undeniable proof that we indeed live in a society

Excuse me, but last I checked, we were one homogeneous country and not a collection of states that are united together.

That's what (((they))) want you to think

Thinking New York and Montana should enact the same policies because they are "one country" is dumb as shit

But thinking New York and Montana should have the same representation in the upper chamber of the national legislature when their entire state has 1/3 the population of Brooklyn is fucking stupid.

The Senate should be based on population, House on equal representation so that legislation affecting the majority of the country's citizens isn't stymied by podunk inbred nepotists.

That's never going to happen- so here we are. The electoral college was fine until Dems lost a fucking layup election.

The Senate should be based on population,

No faggot. The Senate should represent the states and all states should get equal representation. The members should also be nominated and selected by state legislatures.

The Senate should represent the states

agreed. And that representation should be based on the states not just for "existing".

Why should Montana have equal power in allocating the federal budget that they disproportionately do NOT contribute to - 48th in gross federal tax collections and 44th in gross collections per capita? While Washington DC has NO representation despite contributing FIVE TIMES the amount of revenue than the entire state of Montana?

Nice abolition of representative democracy and disenfranchisement of the entire nation, stupid.

It still blows my mind that fucking JUDGES are elected though.

We have never been a representative democracy and never will God willing.

“The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widely spread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible.” - Bertrand Russel

Federal spending was never supposed to be for anything more than what is enumerated in Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution. About which James Madison had this to say in regards to the general welfare clause which has led to shoving many things through Congress since then,

“that spending must be at least tangentially tied to one of the other specifically enumerated powers, such as regulating interstate or foreign commerce, or providing for the military, as the General Welfare Clause is not a specific grant of power, but a statement of purpose qualifying the power to tax”

Desktop link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxing_and_Spending_Clause

/r/HelperBot_ Downvote to remove. Counter: 257513

Representative democracy (also indirect democracy, representative government or psephocracy) is a type of democracy founded on the principle of elected officials representing a group of people, as opposed to direct democracy.

So you're going to say that Americans don't elect their represented officials? And that a federal republic isn't a representative democracy?

But at least you've laid the groundwork that Constitutional originalism is a flawed argument and that we need to update the rules of the nation.

Forgive me, I mistook representative democracy for direct democracy.

Nevertheless you were advocating for direct democracy above. Parts of our government are elected and others are not, and there are sometimes votes weighted in terms of states than population. In this sense we have never been a pure representative democracy.

Lol, you’re just salty that early Americans were smart enough to make provisions against tards like you.

Nowhere did I advocate direct democracy nor did I support /u/orangeeyedunicorn belief that the state legislatures should elect the federal reps.

“Why should Montana have equal power in allocating the federal budget which they disproportionately do NOT contribute to” ?

You obviously don't know how Budget Committees, Budget Reconciliation, and direct democracy works then if you think me saying a population-based chamber of elected representatives should have primary oversight is "direct democracy".

I have the big gay.

The house allocates the budget... Your missing the point of "states rights" we are not 1, we are 50 individual states, equality represented by the Senate. The laws and budget are formed by the house (represented by population) and affirmed in the Senate (equal representation)

Fair point. Unfortunately the writers of the Constitution didn't see it your way.

All you need to do is convince the Senate to give up its power. Shouldn't be too hard knowing how governmental institutions are so rational and willing to change

But we have the commonality of language.

He has a states rights book, but he hasn’t read it yet. He might have skimmed the first five pages, but he genuinely doesn’t remember. He’d tell you if he did. Genuinely.


States Rights is just code for PRO SLAVERY. There are no exceptions and I will NOT listen to any counter-arguments. Off you go, child.

Thomas Jefferson owned slaves! You heard me SLAVES!!!

What a moron. Can’t believe I used to listen to this dolt’s thoughts on politics daily

He also thought we should axe the electoral college because "he doesn't like it"

He also tries to give people with serious addiction problems advice on beating their own addiction, just like he did.

“Just focus your energy on something else, like passing the sixth grade.”

He’s probably some kids sponsor. Until the kid asks him about when he was using.

“Oh well I was 17 and my parents went out of town for a week. I was reck, man. Drinking on Friday and Saturday. Literally every guy my age was doing it but I just felt it getting dark for me. So I quit the next week and I’ve gotten the monkey off my back for life. If nothing changes nothing changes right?”

Yeah I’ve been shooting heroin with puddle water so I’m gonna go ahead and find an actual addict as my sponsor.


The drinking I can almost understand. But weed? He already shows up to his radio job unprepared, says nothing and just stares at his phone. He could smoke all day, it can’t get any worse.

He did this while texting trannies and playing with his dick in a room full of guys.

Jim doesn't like it means Jim doesn't understand it. He doesn't like the electoral college for the same reason he didn't like Norm's roast jokes or sex with vaginas.

He didn't like Norm's roast? What the fuck?

According to Norm, the worm threw a fit after the show because Norm threw that Henry Fonda blueberry picking joke back in his fat face.

What a thin skinned loser. I can't believe I spent money to see him.

We don't want to believe that we've been so wrong about a person

Speak for yourselves lol

Lol...Fuck you

You're not the Lone Ranger.

At least he can’t sell tickets for shit now.

A couple years ago he was playing a club at a mall here and I just happened to be passing by the entrance on my way out. Literally an hour before the first show, they club had a guy out front trying to sell tickets.

I pretended I didn’t know who he was and asked the guy if he was funny, and the guy just kind of shrugged his shoulders and half heartedly said yeah.

Who would not like to see Henry Fonda picking blueberries

Well, the blueberry can’t work on it’s own. It has to have something with it like the kiwi.

So the voice is getting a spot after the Superbowl that's if we even have a Superbowl

It's not a stand alone fruit?

When did Norm say this? I don't remember seeing him mention anything other than what happened on the roast itself.

I don't remember the fit part. But I do remember Norm making fun of him for not understanding the act.

Calling it a joke is extremely generous.

That's a curb stompable offense.

What's it about electoral college kids and the right side of history again?

The electoral college is one tranny he won't be flying out.

He couldn't tell you why he doesn't like, but "he's heard" it isn't good.

I am pro electoral college only because it's something normal reddit fags always get outraged over.

30 minutes of the Jim Norton Advice Show would have told you that

"You guys could have called in..."

he stinks and I don't like him (anymore)

He has no genuine beliefs about anything that shit they discuss. He only does it to be the “other guy” to have a different point of view.

I'm willing to forgive you.. Yet, if you didn't realize this AA, deviant, ppl pathetic worm was an idiot,you sir are a fool.

The View's Jim Behar is an inch deep and a mile wide.

I reeeally need to learn how to photoshop

What an idiot. Well he wants to look good for the cellar crowd.

No woman has ever wanted to father Norton's seed.

He’s failed as both at politics and being a man

He forces his seed into intoxicated women

& men.

He's an amorphous blob, expecting anything other than transparent reactionary pish from him is insane.

Nice one, Vos.

"I'm a smart guy!" - actual quote by Jim Norton

"I have the capability of adolescent logic, but I can't be bothered to acquire information to apply my basic skill-set...too many tranny dicks to donate to!"

I’m smaaaht too, dude.

And he's fervently loyal, also tough and won't back down from what he believes in

Jim raped an intoxicated women. Allegedly, but also actually.

I'm sure he'd tell you if it didn't happen. HONESTLY.


Even if it was consented when the condom was on, the second he took it off without consent made it rape.

“Why elections? Let’s just have King!”

Wait until you guys hear what Colin Quinn wants to do to your country.

Go on

He wishes for you to split.


I never really got the concept of states being different entities until recently with Brexit. Essentially the EU is like the US in many ways with different laws in different countries but also a lot the same. I can see a state getting fucked off with other states telling them how to live like we have.

most people dont get states rights and still think the civil war was about slavery

It was about the state right to own slaves. Also, Lincoln cared a lot more about keeping the union together than niggers, and he would have gladly kept them in chains if it meant avoiding secession. Of course, those inbred retards down in Dixie sperged out the second he was elected and started attacking military bases. The faggots brought it on themselves.

Just kill yourself Patrick

Yes, I am Patrick Tomlinson and I love posting in /r/cumtown and calling people niggers. Fucking dipshit retard.

Colin just knows it will inevitably split. It turns out diversity isn't really a strength.

The EU is a shitty attempt at emulating the US but those smelly Euros don't understand that common cutural norms is key for maintaining such a large and diverse union.

They all speak English. All of them.

Does "common cultural norms" only refer to the language they speak? Perhaps "common cultural norms" is broader than that.

All Indians and young Chinese people speak English too. Do we have common cultural norms with these countries?

Most of western Europe is very alike. I can't speak for the east. I've never been.

Ironic it took 150 years before an Irishman from NYC realized his people were wrong about the Civil War.

Every opinion from Norton comes out of ignorance or spite.

No privacy and mass surveillance?! GOOD! now you feel like us celebrities you tattletales!!!!! - Bonus points for Jim seeing himself as a celebrity.

The US is self-sufficient of oil for the 1st time in 75 years? GOOD! cancel all treaties and fuck the Saudis we don't need them anymore! - Jim Norton annoyed because foreign money increased house prices in NYC.

Why do we have a military presence overseas?! a base in Germany? Fuck them we beat them in 1945, and fuck France too they didn't support us when we invaded Iraq - Jim Norton imagining borders work like the walls of his apartment.

I still cringe thinking about that rogan interview he did years ago, he was doing the "NRA? good! Good!" shit trying to bait Rogan into asking what his childish stance is on the whole thing

You forgot the worst, most common, and least forgivable:

«goes on long-winded, uninformed rant about a NY Post headline he skimmed»

Caller: You're a fucking ignorant cretin for these 5 legit reasons

Babyboy: I STARTED THIS OUT BY SAYING "Maybe it's like this, I DON'T KNOW but here goes my rant disguised as informed fact.." Nice job motherfucking me, man. Hang up on him, Sam, and block his number.

Fuck this shitshow of a political system, but fuck James Faggotstein Norton more

He should be aborted


lmao almost all the largest countries in the world practice federalism.

Imagine taking political advice from a guy who has probably never a read a history book that wasn't about Ozzy.

He only dropped out of high school because he couldn't pass gym class, he's not retarded ok?

That was Nana. It’s BS anyway because he admitted he skipped all his classes.

Or because he's Bobo level retarded

The Federalist Papers? I have read it but I heard it’s great. Truly.

The Federalist Papers? I haven’t read it but I heard it’s great. Truly. John Jay is a genius, but I don’t want to be influenced by his work.

If the federalist papers were truely good Madison wouldn't have disavowed them. John Jay turned the justice department into a fiefdom. Hamiltons shit ideas on everything are why people stopped giving a fuck about politicians, North of the Mason Dixon and east of the mountains for about a century.

Those people are fundamentally flawed and are only good for use as factory workers or other jobs you can let literal retards do

He is bad at thinking and also radio and comedy.

Abortion is a win-win issue for liberals. A) If it's legal, then they're happy. B) If it's outlawed, negros and beans multiply until America is fully Democrat in 30 years.

Liberals don't like black people. They sure as shit don't want more of them. You know, with them being super predators and all.

Does anyone?

Private prison owners.

It's a shitload easier to love blacks if you never have to interact with them.

Liberals love blacks, until those darkies have an opinion that differs. White liberals are the first to call a darkie that disagrees with them a house nigger or uncle Tom, and not just for fun like we do. Inside the heart of every soy sipper is a virulent racist waiting to come out.

It really is a great gambit

Bless your heart for still listening.

A worldview formed by a fake addiction and Quincy ME reruns.

He's just testing out material for his new Netflix comedy special, Jim Norton: Lessons to America


This is how I know it's a good belief...Jimmy disagrees with it

The public education system at its finest. That statement is just fuckin stupid, and I dont have to type a 3 page diatribe to tell you why. The fucking name of our country explains the situation.

Compliments of the North Brunswick education system.

enough with states rights when it’s convenient, like for gay marriage

Gay marriage was voted down at the state level dozens of times. Before the civil union and marriage votes started, gay marriage was explicitly voted against by people in states almost 30 times. The reason gay marriage is mandatory in 50 states instead of provisionally legal in about 10 is Obergefell V. Hodges, the Supreme Court ruling by 5 elderly fools in ugly dresses that "love is love."

The overturned Baker, which said that making marriage limited to opposite sex unions was constitutional, a law that stood for over 40 years. Why? LOVE IS LOVE. That's the legal "reasoning" to that pile of feces.

Remember when he went on that rant where he was glad that the NSA was illegally spying on people because shit like TMZ exists? He’s a complete fucktard.

Was it on Rogan? Or did he do it somewhere else like some kind of Gospel

Pretty sure it was on O&A

Political Norton just says things to contradict people

To be fair, your country IS fucked up. You're all walking around with your outside shoes inside. Putting your dirty shit on the carpet and couch and what not. What the fuck is up with that, can someone tell me? I mean OF COURSE abortion is becoming illegal if that shit is already going on.

What country isn't fucked up, stupid?

We invented the internet and just landed on Mars, fuckface.
You all want to be us. Wear our clothes, watch our entertainment, import our food and drink. We'll always be better than you.

What have you cunts ever done? How about lately? - I'll wait...

My country isnt fucked up. Yours is the laughing stock of the modern world.. More importantly, why are you wearing shoes in the house?

I think you've been the victim of some kind of propaganda campaign that has made you believe every american is sleeping with their fucking shoes on.

Oh no the euro cucks are laughing at us, better alert the meme police! Shut up, cucked faggots. Hope your sister gets raped by a muzzy.

I'm still waiting... You won't even cop to what country because you know I'm 100% right, you dopey moron. Go back to blogging about The Avengers while wearing your Nike cocksuckers and hating the U.S. - Call out your countries contribution to the world fuckface.... Go ahead...

Is that you Joe? You sound retarded. You brought up inventions and i could give a fuck. But you're avoiding my question about shoes in the house. That shit is disgusting.

Keep stalling with horseshit. Still waiting... You'll never answer because where you are from and your country is useless. Period.

Answer my question please. I'll wait.

Jim Norton: The Pink Pinko

Jim Norton sleeps on a mattress with hooker piss on it every night. Admitted he has for 20 years. Does an impression of a child molester.

He's not really a guy you look to for opinions. I just like to hear him embarrass himself and his family. All Jim is now is Howard Stern's cruel joke to Opie. Imagine being someone's joke.... Oof.

"Come on, why can't you guys give up your fundamental rights for my convenience?" His show should be classified as pollution and fined into oblivion by the EPA

Jim solo hosting? How did they fill the first 15 minutes until he showed up?

He drinks cum and piss.

You are correct, sir.

Fuck Jim. Like many of you have said before, I can't believe I used to listen to his politics. He clearly doesn't understand freedom

Jim is not intelligent. Neither is Ant. So many of the regulars on the show who I love gave them far too much respect

Edit: by show, I mean, the Opie and Anthony show. It was a popular radio show they ran for a few years. You might not have heard of it.

i wish jim was aborted. shit-for-brains turnpike trash

It’s a true mystery what he does in his free time. Certainly not watching or reading anything that might be relevant to the next day’s show

He's so in touch with the middle of the country

Total fucking idiot.

Jim has said himself the Constitution is "really old", "written by slaveowners".

He's also said he wasn't gay, didn't 'actually' like trannies, and talked about women's "big clits" for years. So it's hard to trust him.

Jim looked like a squirmy retarded worm when he was arguing with Ventura.

I won. Thank you for your servish

Who the hell would ever thought Norton was smart? He went to community college to study to be a lawyer and he failed out of it.

CQ will roast him for this

Bobo could teach him a thing or two

This is from a guy who is expected to do 3+ hours of radio by himself and chooses to be as informed about the world as the Turpin children.

I cannot believe I found this piece of shit entertaining. But this is the idiot that thought gravity came from Earths rotation. No one should be surprised that the stupid fuck cannot grasp anything about the Constitution.

Jim like most Americans know little or nothing about civics.

A man that literally doesn't know what the "country" is.