Dead Cunt

5  2019-05-16 by LilDeadFagYo


Star Wars was groundbreaking, empire str bk was not bad, the rest were shit. But nothing compared to the pile of shit between your ears.


Timely and relevant. You're really "striking while the iron is red-hot", as some would say

I like to dig them up a couple months later... ; )

You do you, Jabba

Shutup doxxerjoe

Well I don't think so. You see, Fisher died over two years ago, so this is actually striking while the iron's *cold*.

The person posting this vile rubbish is the fat racist named joseph cumia, he calls black people apes and beats women with skillets. To our feminist allies, he is trying to turn you against us. We hate joe cumia too.

Ps he performs in terrible tribute acts such as "2u" and "almost journey". If you see these bands performing at a venue near you, let them know that you dont tolerate businesses that endorse wife beating racists like Joseph Cumia.