How dangerous is Patrick S Tomlinson exactly?

11  2019-05-16 by PsychopathyRed

He keeps threatening to beat us up at bars, to steal our knives and to punch black women wearing MAGA hats. This is a man who treats cruelty like a game.


Same with his asshole buddy “Frank Black.”

Frank's a badass.

Frank is some piece of Michigan methhead trailer trash.

Yeah he's awesome

Dangerous enough to have helped AntH and JoeH shut down the Opie and Anthony subreddit.

Yeah that's really worked out

I’m convinced that Patrick was extremely fat as a child, child. Like, the fattest kid in school fat. That’s why he’s most defensive about his weight, and why he refers to talking like a tough guy.

Kids like that get a lot of shit, but they also get a lot of namby pamby insincere encouragement and ego stroking—especially about their size.

I went to school with an fat kid named Melvin who was legit 250 lbs at 12 years old, over 400 lbs by high school. After years of hearing about how he must be so strong etc, he picked a fight with a scrawny Puerto Rican kid over some bullshit, literally 1/3 his size, who broke his face and knocked him out cold in about 10 seconds. The fat fuck collapsed on himself like tower 7.

Ex-morbidly obese people are mostly crazy, delusional pieces of shit, I guess is my point.

250 lbs is 113.5 kg

Hit the bricks, comrade

yeah but, how much is 0.113398 metric tons?

I shit that every weekend or so

Would explain why someone so clearly fat would be delusional as to think they are not fat. Because he's not AS fat as he used to be.

Precisely. His defensiveness about his weight (over other insults lobbed his way) reeks of an ex-obese but still kinda tubby guy.

Sounds like a false flag to me. The fat guy was likely brought down by explosives.

Now that you mention it, he did collapse at free fall speed...

was thermite found where the big fella landed

French fry oil can't melt steel beams.

Maybe the boy was slightly injured to his side, but never enough to collapse into his own footprint and no jet-fuel fires

Is there a worse name to give your kid than Melvin? It's literally an insult.

I disagree, people that were fat when they were young always see themselves fat , even when losing it. Thin people that get fat when getting older still think they are thin. This is Fat pats delusion.

Compared to what, the bubonic plague? He's bad enough you called me. He's a psychopathic killer, but so what--mmh, there's plenty of them around.

He’s about as dangerous as a loaf of bread

He’s like the Chopper Read of Milwaukee