I just posted in AskReddit if Patton Oswalt killed his wife.

33  2019-05-15 by DeafandMutePenguin

How do you think people will respond?


They're going to ask who that is

Ha ha ha ha ha.

It is reasonable for an uninformed person to think there's no way that midget's stumps could have accomplished it. People don't seem to realize she was asleep at the time, and he poisoned her (a woman's weapon).

Oh sweet summer killer...

No, child, I do not need poison to take my victims.

Given the suspect it is irresponsible not come to the conclusion he at least had a hand in it

With disdain.

I'm almost certain this will come to light as fact.

I don’t know why but I just feel it in my bones that Patton is guilty of this. Even if it was just like a Walter white watching her have convulsions and not even bothering to call 911.

Me too. I have a massive hunch about this one that Patton is guilty.

We’ll get this guy one day. Hopefully before his “fresh” wife has an “accident”

He already got a new one so it's ok

The fag mods will remove it before it gains any traction.

Patton Lee Harvey Oswalt

They'll respect you for it

Walter White motherfucker.

A tsunami of overwhelming praise and agreement, surely.

also try r/trueaskreddit you'll get a more direct answer

Maybe. But it's not a default.