I have just been diagnosed

1  2019-05-15 by timallenonacid

as a wholesome human being who loves his Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I will share all of the kindness in my soul, and knowledge of our Lord with all of you.


Preach, Tim!!


Thanks mate!

What's his stance on Islam?

It upsets him.

They throw homos off buildings, kill jews, and don't let women drive.

So clearly they're not all bad.


Jesus walked through a hot-ass dessert for 40 days, with NO shower, and people still hung out with him after?

I gotta call shenanigans

hot ass-dessert

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37

This is bad

You're a gay-ass faggot-ass bitch

gay ass-faggot ass-bitch

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37

Don't scare me like that, man!

And a tumor?