Adults who cry while watching fantasy and superhero shows and collect childish things are idolaters and they upset our Lord greatly.

62  2019-05-15 by timallenonacid


how much gas you got left in this bit?

how bout a heel turn to spice things up. idk. post some cockshots.

gas left? this bit?

heels and cocks and spice?

I don’t understand this heathen speak but I’m certain it’s the words of a sodomite.

7777 Hail Marys and please, for all that’s good in Heaven and below, do not try to communicate to us with your sullied soul until our Lord himself has cleansed you of your demons.

None of them are happy.

It’s because Hollywood drug addict and criminal deviant Robert Downey pretended to die while wearing a cape

Iron Man doesn't have a cape, pleb.

A flame thrower wouldn't look out of place in that room.

I think they should all die

what is this

I would love to see each of these people throw a football.

You too, SuperTubs.

I happen to have a laser guided rocket arm.

Football is for closeted socialist homosexuals who need an excuse to put on tights and fondle each other every five minutes, and afterwards compliment eachother's physique and grabass technique.

You sound bitter.

I'm running with the bit. But yeah, football is boring and gay as fuck.

I agree. But it wasn't when I was in high school playing third string.

Seems like a lot of HETERO MEN FUCKING MEN had their feelings upset that being fans of adults prancing around in tights for a pantomime living is queer. Well, then you shouldn't have come to a thread about fans of adults prancing around in tights for a pantomime living.

What if I replaced the word "football" with "wrestling/grease opera"? Sorry I'm not a pandering cunt.

But if you're gonna play, at least you were in one of the few hetero positions that doesn't require grabbing handfuls of sweaty man ass.

PLAYING football is less pathetic than WATCHING a child's movie and crying.

Hmm.. okay I think we can agree on this one. But I guarantee more booze-addled grown tears are shed every year their team doesn't (or does) win the Superbowl than when Ironman died like everyone knew was going to happen because it was reported years in advance to be RDJ's last.

Drink alone like the rest of us

Pro Jesus, lol.

There. We done now?

That fat salami on the left is at all their GoT viewings. They film her up close a lot. Horrid.

Marvel is paganism for the 21st century. A bunch of half faggots who want thor to protect themm

Yet, for only 1000 chaturbate tokens you can be his prince.

Chick on the far left who can’t believe she’s there is the only one I’d nail.

I have Godzilla statues but I don't cry over this shit. I'm only half a fag.

If Isis started blowing up these Comic Cons, I would have to be on their side of the argument.

He part of this picture it's the homeboy on the back stealing people's wallets and waiting for the end when he can comfort some dumb white bitch with his dick and get a roof over him for the next month.

Such diversity

I would never watch a tv show I love with a bunch of people. They never shut the fuck up.

I hated watching Endgame with people other than my son because the retards clapped every 30 seconds and I couldn't hear what was being said. But I had to see it opening night so I could DM spoilers to Fatrick.

That fag to the left of Derosa has a freakishly long arm

Why couldn't the ceiling just collapse on them like in some third world top floor dance club...

Are these the same losers who were crying when their favorite sponge-based cartoon didn't get the spot they demanded during a football game?