I'd like to take this moment to say that I endorse podiums. That's a product I can stand behind!

83  2019-05-15 by Dick_NiPaolo


That podium sounds like a real jerk!

That Lindsey Lohan can't swim a stroke, but she sure knows every dive in town!

In my opinion, if we are gonna fight the war on terror, a good place to start would be our country's haunted houses.

Whoever says this Saint among us isnt funny, should be ridiculed and tormented for the rest of his (or her) fat life.

Anyone in mind?

Well. One or two come to mind.

RED HAT!!!!!!

comment u/patrickstomlinsonbot ?

red hat = hatred, child.

the albert fish story never fails to make me loff

He loves opiates too, just ask his son's friend that OD'ed in Norm's house.

Why don't we make the whole plane out of that kid?