
12  2019-05-14 by HooligansPatron


you're a brainwashed fool

Me or Bill?

Bill is actually right about the cost of climate change.

These fuckers never say we can all just plant trees to capture carbon though. It’s always some expensive ass solution.

Deforestation isn’t helping either. It’s fairly difficult to make a difference planting trees at the rates we cut them down.

Hot takes to be had here.

Is deforestation a hot take? Stop being such a politically loyal faggot. It's an apolitical topic.

Right over your head.

Nice downvote, stupid.

I take it back if you're not some climate change denying faggot. I'll accept my homosexuality.

You you fuck

Apologies. Just don't think climate change is a big deal.

Eh, it is in the cost aspect. We either gotta build seawall or just give up coastal areas.

My biggest concern is for shit like coral reefs. If sea level rises and ocean temperature goes up to fast it’s a nightmare. Add this to the increase of acidity in oceans from excess carbon and it’s a recipe for disaster.

Humans won’t go extinct, but it certainly is a problem especially since our current population isn’t shrinking.

Are you basing this off of fudged western computer models?

Seems "manmade global warming" is the new 'the sun revolves around the earth'.

Basic atmospheric and oceanic chemistry and physics.

It’s really not a hard concept.

Then you also have to think about feedback loops such as albedo. Sun reflects off shit like ice, when that’s gone more energy absorbs and heats earth.

Also when permafrost melts it releases methane into the air which is an even more potent green house gas.

I guess you think those big lobbyist scientists are just after grant money so they can continue doing research. It’s so amazing how they rose up and secured enough funding to beat back the fossil fuel industry.

Oh yeah? Well fuck you nigger.

Well when you put it that way, I’ll take the loss on this one

Seriously though, Florida and the Maldives won't go underwater.

we can hope though

Finally some commentary on that whole convoluted issue I can understand!

Sorry, global warming*


Inertia is a property of...Fuck it

8 degrees so what figure it out then

Y'know, y'know, that's what I said, fuckin figure it out