David Cross was on the show today. Boring as usual. Remember when these to fucks had the greatest show ever. Wha happen?

10  2019-05-14 by assreaper


Ching chong ching chong.

what like a timeline?

Nice what, stupid

and we will be doing it during a full moon so we make sure we get it all.

No I don’t remember, and cross hasn’t been relevant outside of the early 2000s.

ya dummy were talking mid to late nineties child.

I was talking about when “arrested development” was a thing, not “mr show”. No one has cared about him since then.

Never got into that show. heard the first couple seasons where great tho. not a fan of rockumentory's

“Mr show” was the last funny thing he did, but he is best known for “arrested development”.

Todd Margaret is pretty good.

I forgot about that one. I did enjoy that.

Nice pluralizing, stupid.

i here ya but these young faggots dont know what they missed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQYpabhq21c

“Run Ronnie Run” was also the last time anyone thought jay mohr’s wife was hot.

She was a natural beauty of coarse she had to fuck that up.

Excuse you, ever hear a film franchise called The Chipmunks?


my friend loves david cross actually bought my ticket and brought me to one of his show years ago. it was so bad. he went on and on for an hour. i didnt laugh at all and neither did most the people in the club. i have no idea how likes him and why they do. but the only people that night acting like they liked him were the groups of lesbians at a few of the tables

Married to that cunt, Amber Tanbling.

Hong Kong ding dong,ping pong.