One good line Ant had that always cracks me up

50  2019-05-13 by Dr-ButtertitsMcGilly

Bobby's subbing in for Jimmy I think Otto was there too. Bobby's telling a story about his last trip to Brazil with Patrice and he says some hooker stashed some blow or something under their seat when the Brazil cops pulled them over. So the cops pull them out of the car and have him and Patrice on the sidewalk with guns pointed at their heads questioning them in Portuguese. After he finishes the story Ant jumps in with a classic- "they woulda probably killed you they just didn't want to dig the holes to bury you two in" Fawkin buried em


That was before Anthony got "lost" as the great Ron Bennington would say.

That was great. You know that shit pierced his ghoulish soul.

Oh it definitely did.

Ron is probably the only person in Anthony's life who doesn't need Anthony's money and actually cares for him. Joe doesn't give to shits about Anthony, but he is looking forward to some of that money when he dies. Countless others too who only appear on Anthony's show to collect a check. They all know it's not any sort of "getting their name out there" when they're on his show.

Ron stops by, try to be serious with him, and realized it completely useless. He knew the man was truly lost. The look on Ron's face was of pure astonishment. Then the next day Anthony talk shit about the guy. Fucking unbelievable.

Ron don’t play.

Anthony has absolutely no understanding of a friend giving honest advice to him. Every single person in his life he believes he's close to is just there to collect their paycheck. The only exception besides Ron is maybe Jim, who is a slithering worm who claimed Ant did well at the Big Jay roast but he "only saw part of it" and it was "a bad copy" even though the only version in existence was uploaded directly to youtube by LoS.

Ant didn't know how to perceive Ron's words as anything other than an attack. It's so pathetic. His army of yes-men have really contributed heavily to his decline, and it's entirely his fault for surrounding himself with these people in lieu of forming any real relationships or addressing any of his many faults head-on. Ron is a far better friend than Anthony deserves, and he thanked him by trashing him on twitter for trying to help.

Don't disregard how important and in need of defending he must have seen his alt-right guest who had written a BOOK. Guy like that, probably walks around with five, or even six brand new sharpies in his pocket.

It's hard to believe any of them used to be funny at this point.

pre-2013 anthony is like a completely different person.

While Tits is still the same. I’ll say that for him at least. Everyone else got worse, he just stayed as shitty as he’s always been.

Pre-2008 really

My favorite is Norton puts on the STU-DIO head phones, and Norton notices one side says STU and Ant quips the other side is "PID."


And when Norton has ADHB (adorable huggable boy disorder) and Ant says "Aw, you're cured"


Admittedly, those two had the best chemistry ever.



Shut up. We’re trying to have a real moment. Just go with tha real moment!

Anthony used to actually be funny. This was before he discovered 511 Tactical Gear.

I don’t like commas either.