more stuff i didnt know about the worm until today...

2  2019-05-13 by JB3420

apparently on J&S (yes i still listen from time to time nothing else tune into an dont feel like killing myself yet) Jim talked about being fucked or getting to fuck tranny pornstar mia isabella... he did say he mentioned it before but i never recall

just picturing those 2 gave me a good chuckle


Man I googled that thing and he really has a "type". Like a clearly-a-guy-with-a-bunch-of-Tijuana-plastic-surgery-to-look-vaguely-like-a-woman type. It's nipples are in the totally wrong place.

Wow you nailed it. His kink is trannies who got surgery at Costco. Even his fetish is uninspired.

dont forget the GIANT COCK... would be able to get more info on it as its been discussed in the now closed old OA reddit but no way to find out

he's definitely not gay.

imagine being so pathetically unattractive to women and gay men that you resort to fucking mental patients in their surgery hole

I doubt he’s doing the penetrating.

“Come bed me down, worm”