Antisemitism? Not on my watch, kiddo. The Jews are an intelligent and industrious people that our planet would be bereft without. That's one latka I won't fry.

95  2019-05-13 by BeigeFrequency


That's an attic I'm not going to search.

That's one bloody infant's penis I'm not about to suck.

That's a holocoaster I won't ride.

That’s a dreidel I’m not willing to spin

That's a gold filling I'm not gonna pry out.

Antisemitism? That's a Kulak I won't liquidate

That's one incredibly unbelievable, mathematically impossible historical event I'm not going to question the accuracy of.

That's one society I'm not going infiltrate, plunder, subjugate, and destroy from within

That's a wooden door I'm not going to explain.

This but unironically

I really wanna challenge Henry on this shit, like just one interview where some alt right guy grills him on jews and blacks and gays. He clearly knows nothing about any topic, he's a somehow less informed Russel Brand.

There's a group that downvote brigades any anti-Semitic jokes on this sub, look into it

Tell me more. I'd like to sniff these rats out of their holes. I have suspected there are faggots standing by to downvote according to their agenda.

That’s a kid I’m not willing to shoot

That’s one Bar Mitzvah I’m not willing to attend

That’s a holocaust I won’t deny

That's a Jewish hate crime I'm not about to stage.

Antisemitism? That's a pharmaceutical drug I won't push on the goyim.

That's a number of 6 gorillion I'm not going to inflate

That's a set of books I'm not willing to cook