Ah Chip. Where do I even begin? What you must understand is, Chip is ever evolving, ever changing, a living work of comedic art. Perhaps he’s the product of my struggle with alcoholism, the foil to the brooding darkness in my soul. Sometimes I ask myself whether I’m playing him or he’s playing me.

194  2019-05-13 by ProfessorChipperson


I find chip extremely offputting and I don't know how anyone ever enjoyed it

Maybe I'm in the gay minority but I thought Chip was funny during the O&A days. I liked him in small doses. But I never liked Chip's podcast. It was really repetitive and got gay and boring instantly.

Chip was funny if it was unexpected and over in 10 seconds. Retards are funny in short bursts but a whole podcast just makes you realize you're listening to an annoying retard a few minutes in.

Take us out pigboy.

Its like a Ted scheckler perhaps. Tolerable as a one liner but retardedly simple and predictable as a bit.

I agree. I did think Jim's characters were funny on the show, in small doses. It's why I gave myself this stupid name in the first place. But small doses is the key term here.

A few seconds made me laugh sometimes. Mostly when used to annoy someone. How he thought there was an animated series in there is beyond me.

Chip is fucking annoying but all his characters stink and I don't like 'em

ApReHl FeHlS

That decor is too warm. Only white & grey for the bland sociopathic Worm.

Also, I'd be surprised if Jim has ever built a fire or knows the basics of how to.

Fire? What do I think about fire? In the Western world we are afraid of fire. We think of fire as a destructive force and that’s why we have the Fire Department, to put it out. “Help, there’s a FIRE!” But when you travel around the world and you see that people have all these other uses for it. They use it for cooking, they use it for lighting, they use it for heat, to scare away wild animals in the mountains of South East Asia. So I see it as an exothermic process, combustion, oxidation. That’s one chemical reaction I won’t stigmatize.

good bot

good bot. that's one bot I won't dehumanise with my robo-offensive vernacular.

Good bot

Good bot

Good bot

Good not

Good bot

I like the bot that says nigger more

Good bot

He had trouble with his stove..


On the next "Inside the Asshole's Studio".

Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy.

“Life is a tough one without you” got a nigga ribs in excruciating pain.


i heard chip's ficticious mother has a cup just like that, only it's larger and black and has a capital letter L printed on it

It looks like he's holding an egg McMuffin. It also looks like Jim Norton is really gay. I guess that means his mother is a faggot maker. Shame on that stupid fucking Jersey whore.


No need to bring his estranged family into it dude


Think he called her yesterday?

Heard joke once. Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor...I am fawkinn Paglacci or sumthin tss"


She grew up to be a very fine man! Back then it wasn't a felony!

You were right Jim and we... WE were wrong.

Oh, Colin Quinn, what have you done!

Or... he's just a stolen Jersey Boy character.

The only redeeming part of Chip was Mrs. Chipperson before she started #Ruizing