I found the missing link out in the wild buying chicken and strawberry milk

34  2019-05-13 by andycumiashow


Holy shit, is that really him? Look at his bald spot! LOL

Looking forward to the horseshoe afro this Fall


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stop reporting these posts. nothing is going to come of it

Sam Roberts won't eat a slice of pizza that was next to a slice that had pepperoni on it.
Sam Roberts is a fucking fairy who should be ran over while changing a tire.

Should be, but he cant change a tire.

True. He can however be ugly and untalented. He's skilled in those two areas.

Only one Faggot that could be

Ugh his feet are gross

At this point, his feet are becoming his best feature.

If you're over 12 years old and drink flavoured milk you should be drowned in a sack.

Who the fuck drinks regular milk unless it's with cereal? If I'm gonna drink milk, it's gonna be chocolate, bitch.

Who the fuck drinks regular milk unless it's with cereal?

I don't know. Children? Dutch people?

If I'm gonna drink milk, it's gonna be chocolate, bitch.

Knock yourself out, fat guy with a child's palate.

Strawberry milk? He drinks like I did when I was 13.

out of a penis?

What can I say? I was a generous little cutey


Haha he's ghastly.

Has to be him cause he’d wear something fuckin stupid like that

Thats just a black person sir