Anyone notice an increase in british people?

11  2019-05-13 by MrStealYourVape

Walking down the street and I can hear their fucking accents. Are they all trying to get into america because their country is being taken over?

I'd legitimately prefer more muslims over british faggots.


I was at a local fair this weekend and I had this same fucking thought. And I don't even live in a big city or anything. I heard so many british people there. I even pointed it out to my gf and she agreed. Where the fuck are they coming from?

I mean, I'd want to get out of that hell hole country too if I lived there.

I deal with the English as a non-Englishman on a regular basis, and I fucking detest them. I hate Muslims more because Muslims are retarded, and I hate Pajeets way the fuck more, but the English get under my skin like nobody else.

Quick example: I went to a bar a couple of weeks ago, minded my own business, and the English boomer fag sitting next to me struck up a conversation with me. Nothing about my body language says I'm open to conversation.

Long story short, I'm a bad actor, but I was trying to act polite and interested in his horseshit. As he was leaving, he laid down all that "well, I know I probably wasn't all that interesting for you, but uh, you know, best of luck"...

If there was legal recourse for breaking a glass over a passive-aggressive person's head, I wouldn't have thought twice. YOU brought up your boring boomer horseshit with ME. I hope that guy's dead and his dogs are eating his corpse (he told me he had dogs).

This is how they colonized 25% of the world, btw: they go to foreign lands and just act like they're better. English people are worse than Jews, mark my words.

All I hear reading this is "I avoid confrontation to point that I'll listen to a dumb old fuck blabber on rather than dealing with it"

I'm going to respond to you and u/PatIsAFatHack in this one post.

No, I can't just nip this shit in the bud and politely excuse myself because the English have cornered the market on passive-aggressiveness. "Oh, well, what's 'is his problem? Too good to have a quick chat?" And they do that openly with whoever else is within earshot, so I'm the piece of shit who walked off.

Like I said: if it were legally permissible, I'd threaten these people as soon as they tried their shit, but they get away with it because it's all "hey I'm just talking and being civilized, no need to be like that".

This is why the Scots, bless them, are presented as maniacs to the rest of the world when in reality they're normal and when they want to cut an Englishman's throat, they're the bad guy all of a sudden. The English have no other ethnic group to have common cause with, which is a unique and shitty position to be in.

Tell him your not interested, you don't have to be polite. Be a man for fucks sake. What a fucking Mary. Thanks for saying Scots are normal though, awfully kind of ya.

I fucking hate the Scots and I am one.

Me too on both, I hate everyone though.

Isn’t that why we ended up in this sub?

I'm just here to keep up to date on my fellow Panera-heads.

Confirmed for Scottish

You don't clearly understand. On paper, all this boomer fag was doing was striking up an honest, simple conversation. Saying "sorry, I'm not interested" is an overreaction to somebody merely uttering words to me.

"Sorry, I'm not interested" is something that a woman says to a man hitting on her that she doesn't like. So what does that say about me if I say it? Don't you get it? Me saying something like that intrinsically places me in the bitch position.

I repeat: my only other recourse is physical violence, which is morally justified but not legally.

Dude if you can't tell strangers that you don't have the time or inclination to listen to their pish, out of some sense of being "polite" no less, you are a pathetic faggot. "I can't punch him in the face so I have to listen to him talk even though I don't wanna..." Just suck a dick, it's quicker.

...I can't even argue any more. It goes against my nature to be impolite, but it'll put less pressure on my heart to just tell some chatty cunt that I'm in no mood.

Thank you, r/opienanthony.

hey psycho red

im not reading all your cry baby fag tears

You could of said I don’t want to talk and walked away or sat in silence. You’re crying about being too weak to say no to a conversation because it might have been awkward for a few seconds.


English people are worse than Jews, mark my words.

Thank you. The fucking audacity of english people to complain about jews. You ever see that shit? Acting all /pol/ and shit even though they're 10 times worse? Fuck, I hate em, I hate em!

I'm glad that the Bostonians got privy to their shit and told them to fucking leave and forced them out. Imagine if they had stuck around?

Boston has the magical duo of the Irish and Italians, who are trash and won't tolerate other trash to compete with them. And good for them, I guess.

dude, im sorry, but have you not learned how to tell an old fuck to shut up yet?

you shouldnt be allowed in a bar if you are gonna let yourself get ear raped by a brit

The odd thing about that is that Americans are known to start casual conversations with strangers, which is extremely uncommon and outside the norm in most of Europe, including Britain.

Only Midwest Americans

Better than Indians. I hate those faggots. They don’t even try to be passive aggressive, they come here and act like they own the fuckin country. Not my town but a town next to me on Long Island is infested with Indians. Was a relatively decent town ten years ago. Absolute shithole now.

The Dutch are a mongrelized people and Amsterdam is a Jewish Pedo enclave , the Irish and Brits unanimously hate you , you're in no position to talk .

i dont know what fag city you live in, but I hope i never go there

Just wait till the Muslim brits start coming over ‘bruthva’.

Bruthva? Fuck is that?

My Mom's British, I had to listen to that everyday growing up.

Only Englishman I know is no filter Paul and he rules.

I would actually prefer more Brits since they'd be a less explosive addition to our culture here.

Modern fag culture is 100% invented in America.

SJWs, trans "people", uppity blacks, Sam Robertson, aznidentity. All American.

The Briddish stick their 'little fingers' out when they drink their tea, but can you even imagine how woke your next president will be when the political pendulum swings back the other way (yeeeeahs!).

Shut the fuck up and stop noticing shit that has nothing to do with your pathetic little paper tiger country. Just keep eating those burgers and not recognizing your marginalized status. The UK has 60 millions people in the UK, and millions more abroad all around the world. We are a scurge and we are coming back.
