If you call your money pounds you're an absolute fucking disgrace

100  2019-05-13 by TheWelfareMan


they call garbage trucks bin lorry

And the guys who drive them "dust men". "Ooo nooo the dust bin is full, tell Sondra that she must handle our dust situation better or she can look for employment elsewhere"

Such a brave stand to take, bravo.

Limpwristed limesuckers.

I like when Brits call them "quid"

I like it when muslims gang rape their women

Oh my!

If you call your kilos pounds, you're a retarded faggot.

If you call your fries "chips" you're a chinless genetic dead-end.

How much Robert De Niro for the dunce cap with the dildo on top?

Where are we at with dollarydoos?

Buncha tea drinkers

That’s a cotton field I won’t be picking from.

That’s a comment I won’t acknowledge with a response.

This kills the joke.

You are no MichaelRichardsBot.

I will reserve my praise.

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Leave Henry Rollins bot alone, you tyrant!

That's a star I won't follow

They're trying to decide between renaming it the dinar or riyal. They just need a few hundred years of sectarian violence first.

I call mine "duckets" like the blacks in '92.

To be fair, they have no word for money from their native culture.

Blacks and their parlance 😂 who can keep up?

Abe V got that chedda.

Canadian call their coins loonies and toonies. Now am I saying this is grounds for mass extermination of the Canadian people? Yes. Yes I am.

I call my money renmenbi, brotherman. And soon you will too.

oi that'll be 50 pee, bruv, innit


At least joe Rogan didn't cheapen our entire currency with a single joke

Still beats calling them 'euros' tbh

It's a different currency, genius.

The joke is not giving a shit about faggot shit, because faggot shit is for faggots. How do you forget your own joke.

It's a good joke

Reread your own OP and the context of my response before criticizing someone else's intellect, Mr. Smarty Pants

Bob kelly must be rich then

They call shopping carts trolleys

That is horrific. The Luftwaffe need to give it another go.