10  2019-05-13 by throwawizzlemahnizzl


Tried to send u/michaelrichardsbot over but it disappeared straight away.

That's simply a fork I'm not qualified to stick up an upside-down nigger's ass

Good bot

Good bot

I'm tempted to go drop a huge turd in the punch bowl over there but my name would give it away before I even started.


Funny, what made them go from racists to non-racist is the exact thing that made me go non-racist to race realist: exposure.

I’d rather be called a racist than a victim. That’s what I always say.

Surprise surprise, every story is pretty much "well my parents were racist so I used to be but then I met this one negro who seemed ok"

They all say something to the effect of "you shouldn't base your understanding of a different race on an experience with one person", then each of them proceeds to tell anecdotal stories about one black guy they met who changed their views on race

If you're gonna be racist, at least have some goddamn conviction.

Went to jail for curb stomping this nibba to death, met this 🔥🔥🔥 black dude in the can and he was like man you cool and recused me a few times, so I got out and told my ex Nazi friends nibbas are people and they told me to beat it, then some nibba in my little Bros school massacred him anyway lol