I really can't stand this guy.

8  2019-05-12 by aRTie02150


He deserves a good beating

nothing more pathetic than an old wigger

imagine your entire personality was based on playing catch up with another race/culture

Trying to emulate niggers is more like playing catch-down

he doesnt get that tho, he thinks like a white

the culture he idolizes is about dumbing down

what black people have over white people is a lack of fear in how they express themselves

anyone doing a parody of that is easily identified i.e. michael

a black guy in a white persons body would say nigger like it was the word “and”

how do whites not get that?

He's Jewish.

plot twist of the century

Hey now.

I liked him when he first started coming around and you’d hear him every once in a while, like on Carolla’s podcast or something. But then he became self aware & realized he’s a “character,” and now it’s his whole schtick. A little of him went a long way, and now he’s just insufferable.

The Herp

This fella puts the crack in cracker

He must have had a lot of money on that game

I can’t even watch FS1 anymore because he went from “celebrity guest” to actual full time staffer that’s on Undisputed 3 days a week. He’s trying to do the Skip Bayless INFRONT OF Skip Bayless