I always considered Tom Segura to be a sociopathic predator you just dont troll or fuck with in any way. Karl helped me see otherwise

0  2019-05-12 by TomaszLuniewski


Odd. I always thought Segura was just a bland soccer dad.

He did say Louisiana sucks in his special. Sharp and Edgy!

He hates Louisiana because his wife cheated on him with Theo Von. Seriously.

Well he must be getting the last laugh shitting on Theos home state. Way to go Tambo!

these are Anthony Shills. They're sponsored by deep discount.

'sup Kane!

Tom's funny but his wife isn't. He's ruining his podcast trying to be the next big Network by having shitty boring guests and running bits into the ground. Sound familiar? God I hate every west coast faggot.