[Pics] Vos is so obscure, his talent manager doesn't even have an office

63  2019-05-12 by StarbuckAndCasey

I was curious to see what his manager's site was like based on this comment by /u/Jungies.

Pic of his manager's info on that Vos page.

I looked up 123 Bowery on google maps and that Chinatown building is obscured by a truck.

Oops, looks like the office space is for rent.

You call Vos's manager's number and get a message telling you that if you need help, go to https://www.support.moveitpro.com and make a support ticket. Go to that link and it's dead too.

I searched for his manager's website and it's dead.

But his company has a tumblr page!

Good job, Rich. You're shit at updating your website.



The only other people in the industry whose managers work out of their car is porn stars.

The grate tshing about my manaszer is that when I'm dun with a meeting I can sdrop him off anyshwhere.

Thos website might be finished for good, but thank you for the support. Also works well as a statement on Vos’s career.

It's in Bing.

Fuck me, they've got a sign up in the window and everything!

...and is that store to the left actually two stores? A shitty clothing store with its own clerk under a tarp on the sidewalk, and a convenience store inside?

Because if so, that's some real third-world poverty-style business.

That's Chinatown for ya.

Thanks! Good work. Looks like that pic was taken in 2014. How long has it been since Vos updated his site!? I think his manager was saying his site hasn't been active since 2017.

© 2019 Rich Vos. All Rights Reserved.

...according to the site. I'm getting thrown checking the page's date via normal means because it's on Cloudflare, and I keep getting what I think are their details, not the original site.

Im sure they update it because his calendar is updated

he's one step away from doing the same kind of gigs bob levy does.. in restaurants in front of 20 people. Without the O&A show nobody would know who he is.

Prolly a booth in a chink restaurant.