Looks like Big Jay Oakerson has a younger gayer brother

21  2019-05-12 by LarryKleist711


David Blayineveryguyinsight

Chris Gayngel

Nice superficial persona you adopt so people will make fun of it instead of the flaws you actually have and are cripplingly insecure about, stupid.

Never has the phrase "I used to fuck guys like you in prison" been more apt.

Nice jingly jangly bullshit all over your dumb Escape From New York outfit, stupid.

I don't like his haircut.

This guy, he's not my kind of guy.

Why does everyone under the age of 30 now dress like they’re a fictional character?

Because they're reared by movies while the dads are either absentee or worked 25 hours a day.

I don't know whats gayer, that heavily manicured stubble beard or the stench of day old semen on his breath

Machine Dumb Kelly

Mc edgelord.

What the fuck is this shit?

A soundcloud rapper.

If your going to dress like a knock off Ghost Rider, at least light your head of fire.