Im taking names of all you fat shaming S.O.Bs on here. I see food as simple fuel for my mind but will not shame those who find comfort in it. Its a bag of chips im not willing to open.

101  2019-05-11 by throwawawyy2


”I’m totally not gay guys seriously. That’s a dick I’m not gonna suck”

That's a pair of balls I won't cradle in my mouth

Maybe the only thing Rollins ever said that make me chuckle was when he was taking about his turn off with "women" and said "go be fat on your own time".

At this point, all I need is a picture of this guy to make me laugh.

A bag of chips I'm not willing to open? That's a Lays flavor voting sweepstakes I'm not fit to enter.

I'll be honest. I got really bored of the sub during the fatrick bit but this rollins shit making me laugh. Love it!

at what point do you think his photographer just started saying "yep. fine. good, henry. another angry one. awesome. thats lunch, forfuckssake..."