He's already back to making vague, empty threats that he can't possibly back up

11  2019-05-11 by RoliMosimann

Old Hen: Has it reached a point where you can file a police report for harassment?

Fatwreck: We are so far past that point.

Old Hen: Maybe a GoFundMe to set up an account to hire lawyers to pursue them for damages as their actions have been intending to injure you and your career if the cops won't do anything.

Fatwreck: no GoFundMe will be necessary.


300 ip addresses and a book of matches will sort this whole thing out, child.

He's such a fat boring bitch. 3 likes on his social media. None from his parents or daughter he probably tried to molest.

I hope he does a gofundme. I have a dollar to donate

Go Fund Me would show how pathetic he is since his “writer friends” (AKA unknown writers) and “comedian friends” (AKA unknown comedians) are both broke and couldn’t give him any money. I’m sure his wife told him she’s not paying for this which is why a go fund me is now “not necessary”

Multiple precedents of large corporations who attempted to gain personal information from Reddit ended up in zilch, but this fat fuck is going to succeed.

He's a famous author, child. He's already paid for 15 reviews of his book.

How much will his GoFundMe get? $6?

He's got the police report receipts, child

A go fund me would be hilarious, he wouldn’t break 20 bucks and claim it’s because go fund me is run by fascist nazi’s, child.

His wife must really hate him because if she divorced him SHE would have to pay him since he doesn’t make shit. I’m sure he told her though before the marriage he “makes well over 6 figure, child” then later explained “not all the same year but over 10 years I have, little one”

He calls the cops: “People online are harassing me.”

Im sure they sent a squad car right over.

PAT: “Hello? 911? Someone online called me fat! This is an emergency!”

911: “Sir, that is not an emergency, please hang up we need to keep this line open for real emergencies”

PAT: “What? Ugh, you’re just another fascist Nazi, child!

911: “Excuse me?”

PAT: “What? TOO REAL?” (Hangs Up)

Pathetic if true.

"My influence goes beyond social media." Sounds like Fatwreck (brilliant, btw, I'm stealing that) is making terroristic threats on top of arson and murder.