Doing exactly what they've told you to do for decades? Well, that'll sure teach em!

45  2019-05-11 by xxxxxxxxx9xxxxxxxxx


No fucking means no pregnancies and hence no abortions. Works out for everyone.

waaah I'm a nihilist and hate everyone 😢

Fuck you. Go play with your fake guns, fag.

didn’t this hooker just recently come out in support of biden?


That’s going to be real tricky for these self righteous cunts come the election

Need Connery to give her a slap

We give her the lasht word... and itsh not enough.

Nah, this bitch needs a bullet. She is the most vile satanic cunt in Hollywood.

I'm not going to blame this on women being stupid, even though I should. Actors are generally retarded and entitled to idiotic opinions.

Nice promotion of abstinence, stupid.

she actually went to an anti gun rally with 2 armed guards

That's funny.

one of them had his gun on his hip so it stuck out like a giant colostomy bag

Where else should he holster the gun? in his asshole?

Why not? Brother Joe does.

I doubt he carries a deringer.

The only things Joe carries are Hep C and 3 separate strains of anal herpes.


I'll take it away from you, and stick it up your ass and pull the fucking trigger 'til it goes "click."

Nice one, Joe.

Shoulder harness.

Ok Dick Tracy I can tell you have experience carrying 😂

No, I do not, but you asked where else he could have holstered his gun.

He also could have fashioned a hat with a holster on it like Carmen Miranda and the fruits.

Seems like the most sensible thing to do. A Carmen Miranda reference. I like it.

Hollywood is a cesspool of degeneracy, it should be bulldozed into the sea for the benefit of civilization.

That big earthquake never came to drop Cali into the ocean.

one day

Fucker you just reminded me the Amish market is open. I might have to get dressed now.

whats that

funny you should mention that


ever see their old band with a slightly different lineup?

nigga do you juggle?

I mean, being anti-abortion and anti-planned parenthood is retarded if you're a conservative because a single mother with a child is going to need more government assistance that a coat hanger or stupid pill would prevent for way cheaper.

That being said promoting abstinence as a means for some political agenda is the dumbest fucking thing of all time. "Yeah, let's deny our both the sexes urges to show the MAN who is boss!" Nice zero sum game, stupid.

being anti-abortion and anti-planned parenthood is retarded if you're a conservative

Plus, it's black babies that are statistically aborted the most.

She's starting to look like a plastic surgery nightmare.

Or women could just vote for politicians against these types of bills. Assuming every woman in America shares the exact same views as her. Which they don't. Pardon my language but this woman is Brother Joe levels of intelligent.

She should try paying her delinquent taxes.

I have the RIGHT to murder babies

I still want to lick her pussy.

If you lose out on sex because of some stupid strike just masturbate to Alyssa Milano in Embrace of the Vampire.

starting to look like the joker.

Tony Danza must have fucked this twats brains out, should have killed her afterwards.

At the end of the day, it's all they have.

women really do have only one bargaining chip

Every woman thinks everything they don't like requires some revolution. Try fucking voting.

Who could’ve seen this coming!?

I’m sure it would only take one glance at a certain 6’1 giant for her to break the strike without even thinking about it twice, too bad that their schedules would probably clash

They slits act like men are the only ones against abortion.

I'm glad you reminded us women's only role is fucking.