<—- Number of times Joe Cumia will deny being a pedophile at Anthony’s funeral

106  2019-05-11 by NukeAllTheGayWhales


"...I was as proud to be his brother as I am of my 122 IQ, and you can all check that later..."

"...like a plastic bag convention...(hold for laughs)"

"...be very careful America..."

"...so in a way I did half the work, but whatever, people are gonna say what they're gonna say..."

"...just like Eric..."

"(berating audience member off-script)...i'd buy you a Starbucks right now if we could just talk...no?..."

"...which is why I wasn't with him for the last few days, I mean when they're like that it's like hanging around a piece of fruit..."

“And I am not a pedophile”

"Ant had some out there political ideas and would clash eith me in heated discussions and was very stubborn when I gave him facts. I told him the age of consent should be 13, and he thought 12. But he was my brother, and.. it's a shame he died._

So so so so so

It's a common misconception that he ever denied it.

I don't get a million bucks for getting out of bed, I don't get a million bucks when I punch folks in the head. And even if we don't get a billboard top 10 hit, at least we know that Joe Cumia's band's a fuckin pile of shit!

I don't get Olympic athletes to my barbecues, I don't get extortion threats from the Long Island saloon, And even if our pay checks might as well as be counterfeit, At least we know Joe Cumia's band's a fuckin' pile of shit!!

I assume it will come up unsolicited at least 26 times

That’s his strategy. You make sure you bring pedophilia into that conversation before anyone else does, get right on it! That’s the best way to make sure no one accuses you of pedophilia.

Agreed I must shout that I don't fuck children dozens of times a day.

Around schools, I hope.

Where else