It takes a really dense cunt to hate Colin Quinn or imply he’s part of some racist agenda

50  2019-05-11 by Thomas_Dairy

I hope she becomes our new project.


I agree. She seems as lacking in self-awareness as Fat and as eager to respond to provocation.

Also I'm glad this is an officially Christian, 'QAnon' sub now.

Where we go one, we go all...

There were hints in the wikileaks that Joe Cumia cleans up child spit via hankercheifs with pizza pock-mark related maps

Isn't she just some cunt though, as in not a public figure? IMAX screen forehead could have potentially got this place shut down, best to stick to fame-hungry attention seekers.

Patrick didn't like Norm, this bitch don't like Colin, this is an even worse offence.

She's filth, don't get me wrong. But is she a public figure (wannabe standup/blogger or something?) I don't know, am actually asking. If so, fair game.

I have no idea. If it was just a single post or something then maybe you have a point but if this bitch keeps rattlin on about Colin and is trying to get him canceled then she can deal with it.

You've persuaded me.

Eh, Fatrick is barely a public figure. Anthony is barely even a public figure at this point, and look at the mischief we get up to with him.

Fair point

But those two present themselves as public figures and that’s what matters legally.

I really don’t understand that. She made a death threat against Dipaolo. She wasn’t joking either. When you publicly declare death threats, you’ve become a public figure who needs to be shamed for your own good and as an example to others.

Don't bother, I made a post about this last week when people targeted the "death threat" girl. This sub's time is limited.

Don't concern yourself with things you don't comprehend, chapotraphouse faggot

Eat my shorts you meanie face

Go swallow that HIV positive load that the bull was going to drop in your wife.

poo-poo butt breath

Dick Datchery? More like Dick Hatchery cause Dick's are always coming in and out of your ass.

not fair

shh delete this

Well, she was on the radio.

Wouldn't it just make Colin Look bad if we went in on her? I mean, I don't really care. Just riffin.

Not if you're an agenda driven myopic cunt with no sense of humour

Hey bros, let's kill this honkey bitch.