Patrick S Tomlinson still hasn't gotten over being trounced by Ben Shapiro, as evidenced by his latest Instagram post

27  2019-05-11 by niglet_supreme

Now, I'll admit, there are LOTS of Dunning Kruger sufferers out there hungry for confirmation bias that Ben's spilled-coffee-deep intellect appeals to, which explains his popularity and success among the alt-right tribe of glue eaters.

But personally, I'd rather find moderate popularity and success among people as smart as me or better than be a naked emperor among a sea of fools.


I'd rather find moderate popularity and success among people as smart as me

Wonder if dummy broke 3 likes with this one.

moderate popularity


Its good to have an ambition

Even if it's seeped in delusion.

You mean steeped. Seeped basically means the opposite.

It was a spelling error- not symantic error.

So if you don't cry and shit your pants your out of his league.

Funny how the people who are always mentioning the Dunning-Kruger effect -- and it's the same with people who are always babbling about confirmation bias -- are the most likely to suffer from it.

This fat fuck is incapable of putting forth his ideas in anything other than incoherently muddled run on sentences. I don't think I've seen him post a response that didn't have at least one "unique" metaphor and a "clever" descriptor.

Hey, your post is like a stupidity tornado, you shitburrito

You didn't do it right. After reading your, frankly childish attempt at an insult-which shows a level of intelligence similar to the slime coating of an African lungfish-I can now understand what motivates you and the rest of your sharpie-sniffing alumni.

So it's like what Porsalin does?

Yes, but Porsalin can make good videos when it isn't saturated with metaphors and quips. Pat could never write a good book

we're so retarded and for the good of it all

this(you) "shitlib" can comment retarded stuff 40 posts earlier about some completely nonsensical faggy lefty shit and get downvoted to gaydom yet still come around to shitting on actual faggots that everyone with a brain can agree on AND make great truthful videos about the pedos who are on topic of this sub

Dont let me blow your limp cock too hard, just dont get too gay. Maybe im thinknig about the other p-guy's name video but you're the name i remember

What are you talking about?

Im not sure, hammered, and have just realized this is the exact time for a UK man to have started drinking and outwitting me so I'll not re-read what i said and take an L as the fags say

Better to take an L than a D

These pseudo-smart "science" types, man. He's not a thinker, he's not a scientist and he's not a pundit. But he pretends to be all these things and then uses stuff he googled up or saw or Twitter to sound smart.

He is the human embodiment of the Atheism subreddit and their "Huhuhuh, have you ever heard of <name of a logical fallacy type they read in a Dawkins book>. How can some people be SO STUPID?"

I know a guy I went to school with who got a congratulatory first in Mathematics. It's an extremely rare achievement at Oxford where, instead of the examining Dons asking you any questions in your viva, they just applaud you. It happens maybe once every five years. This chap also speaks three languages fluently. He went on to get a PhD in pure math at Harvard before joining their mathematics faculty. A few years later he joined Goldman Sachs (immediately fast-tracked into management) but he still writes high-quality mathematics papers for fun on the side.

The point? I've never once heard this guy (who's basically a real life version of Good Will Hunting- (except from a privileged background and Dutch/British, not Irish/American) ever even refer to himself as smart. He's 1000 times more humble than nothings like Fatrick, or Bovine Joe for that matter.

Exactly. Smart people don't spend their time telling everyone how smart they are. People just KNOW they are. The smartest people I've ever known all just want to talk about ideas not how much better they are than everyone else.

I’ve always said if someone has to tell you their smart, they’re not. If they’re smart you would already know.

Patrick's not THAT dumb. By that I mean if you hang around at a welfare office, or with a group of cleaning ladies you will realise there are people in this world who literally can hardly read or write.

I'd say Patrick is probably IQ 101-102. He can support himself as an insurance salesman, hasn't killed himself driving like a tool on his motorbike (A Triumph, by the way) and if you put him in front of a camera, he can read a script written by a Science Channel intern without much prompting, or make-up.

His problem is that he's psychologically damaged. Mommy issues, issues with women, issues with black people, a savior complex, etc etc.

Plus of course, politics is a great example of what a stupid person thinks clever people talk about. His 'political stance' is that he argues with people who think differently from him by calling them stupid. That's it. They are stupid and he is smart. He probably has fewer real ideologies than trans friends who are being barred from the army. Ie none.

Probably sometime in college he wanted to get into a feminist's knickers and so adopted a broad, liberal viewpoint and just never changed his thought. Never changed, never grown. An always child.

think your on to something. he seems to kinda be stuck in high school mentally. im betting he was big cheese in dramma dept. prolly had a lead role or two. but secretly he desperately wanted to be in with the cool kids and the jocks.. instead he was champ of the roll playing larping book club year book staff. so now he lives his life trying to achieve a rebel status to show all those cool kids who used to ignore him just what they were missing. problem is to normal people he comes of as a desperate sad loser that lives is in fairy tale land. all while he thinks he is james dean/dennis leary of the left/steven king.. i mean this dude really thinks people that wear maga hats are actual nazis and racist. only special needs people actually believe that shit.

I think that's the main thing with him.

He's one of these middle aged guys who hasn't changed his opinion in 20 years.

I'm about as old as Patrick, but at least I've put a bit of effort into following varied media sources to keep track of what's actually going on in this world. Ten years ago, I would have been happy to call myself a liberal. These days? Not so much.

I don't pretend that 1940s Nazis are still alive because that means I don't have to update my worldview!

That's why I hate this guy more than anyone. Twenty years ago I was a douchebag left-leaning student in skinny jeans relying on welfare and trying to pick up girls by talking about how being gay is actually way cooler than being straight - and that totally worked!

But I grew past my Fatrick years. I didn't turn into an obese, worthless, poor, middle-aged piece of shit using those same excuses and thinking I'm going to get the hot girl by doing so.

Patrick got the hot girl and screwed it up. Now he's settling, he just doens't realise it.

Ben Shapiro: Published his first of ten books when he was still a teenager. Graduate from Harvard Law.

Patrick Tomlinson: Writes fan fiction for lesbians. Flunked out of Phoenix University.

Don't try to defend that anxiety ridden crosseyed Israel first KIKE.

Ben Shapiro - who primarily picks on college kids in debates - mopped the floor with FatFuck. Bitchtits blocked Shapiro right off the bat. Article here:

So if a sophist beat the fuck out of Patrick in two tweets, that must make the shitty sci-fi writer the living embodiment of Dunning-Kruger.

Patrick had every opportunity to try turning that situation into something, but instead he hid from Shapiro and claimed victory.

The something would have been a brutal beatdown. He was wise to retreat. But blocking Shapiro was a bitch move.

He blocked everyone who was able to show he was an idiot on twitter. That was prob what he known best for, some lefty blue check nobody repeating the same talking points as the more popular lefty blue checkers and blocking anyone who proved him wrong or made him look dumb.

I know I was blocked because he was failing at talking tough as usual and I posted the Neil Degrassi Tyson “Watch out guys, we’re dealing with a badass here” meme after he made a threat towards me that was lame. He then called me a Russian bot (of course) so I replied with the “Everyone I Don’t Like is a Russian Bot” children’s book meme. Block button for me, child.

He's a fat emperor among a sea of nobody.

"Tribe of glue eaters"? This antisemite just can't help himself, can he?

The Gout Emperor of Manateekind

spilled-cofee-deep intellect

And yet, u/patrickstomlinson, when you had an opportunity to debate him and trounce him with your clearly superior intellect, you blocked him like a little bitch. Like you do with everyone who has a point that you can't refute.

Having a large vocabulary isn't the same as being intelligent, in the same way that a dipshit with a good education is just a well-educated dipshit. You can never defend your own stupid points, not once. When challenged, you insult then block. Because you're a fraud. A naked emporer amongst fools, which btw, isn't clever.

> a naked emperor among a sea of fools

Nice mixed metaphor, child.

He's clearly an exhibitionist and fantasizes of exposing his genitalia to the masses

He had a whole month to come up with something and that’s the best he came up with? I wonder how much the staff at hooligans hate him, he prob asks everyone working there who they support politically like a douchebag.