No one knows who Bonnie Mcfarlene is

123  2019-05-10 by Toddforway


This bitch is on a full on twitter campaign to get Colin Quinn taken off CNN

I’m ok with it as long as she keeps shitting on Bonnie

It's about the greater good.

Wrong. It's about making me/us laugh.

Haha, her profile says "dogaholic." That's not a real addiction.

Shes really coming out of leftfield on that one!

She's addicted to Dogahol

Yes it it, she blows dogs

Next you will be saying Jim's addiction is not real

I wonder if she likes to “boop snoots” and go “adulting” .

Two Dumb Whores, this Summer on NBC!

One killed a cat, the other hates the patriarchy!

Where did that dead cat thing come from? I totally missed that...

During the great Vos fire of 2008 their neighbours cat was killed. Bonnie shows no remorse.

Thank you! You're much nicer than that other fellow!

This bitch is my new favorite twitter obsessed woman.

you read twitter? fag

Anybody have the clip of Bonnie calling Patrice a nigger? Would love to unleash the social justice hounds on her.

Or the clip where she explained the broads who who started the whole Louis debacle weren't even mad at what happened, they were just mad that their managers told them not to mention it in their acts.

you don't get it, she did it using a funny voice, so its totally ethical.

She should be known as Bonnie McFeline

Does that dummy think that Seth is her brother?

Maybe she thinks Bonnie is Rachel MacFarlane.

Is that the retard?

I’m not sure which of these women you’re referring to, but: yes.

Also: her sister

Maybe, Todd.

Nice nor where a neither should be, stupid

Imagining how funny it would have been if she said sister instead

Her sister is fuckin hilarious, though.

More like Bonnie McNotAsFunnyAsAMan.

Maybe add a little fake beard?

Barren-Womb McGillicutty brings up a great point.

Skank and skankier

Bonnie is a bitter old hag who missed her chance at stardom and now just bitches on Twitter like a crow

Can’t we send pictures of prolapsed assholes to Jocelyne, and tell her kick rocks?

Or even better: come to the aid of Bonnie, and remind her of how the sub bailed her out and how she should stay in her lab in the future, or what happened to Jocelyne will happen to her...

Go ahead she reported me and I'm on suspension... Oh well I don't use fucking Twitter anyway except to get suspended by cunts like her. I wish you guys would go troll her good

Why the fuck does she have such a bee in her bonnet over Quinn?

No need for vulgarities.

You're right. This is a family oriented Christian board now and I should know better. Praise Mel.

That fat refugee bit is gold.

Bonnie is an embarrassment.

Lol this whore got my Twitter locked down

Vos needs to get on there and roast those two holes

your brother

Ok, I am completely lost. The fuck is this cunt talking about?