Someone had to do it...

334  2019-05-10 by MySexJunkSmells


Nana is well rested and well fed

Columbo box set on his coffee table because of course.

Nana likes her stories.

It has to be a prop, right? You can make references to things like Jimmy does with Quincy, but no one would still continue to actively watch any of that godawful old dog shit.

...would he?

He's a geriatric, of course he likes that shit.

How could he be this retarded? How could he give us this template?

I saw the photo on twitter first and then immediately came here for the photoshops. They are literally retarded to not see this coming.

he's a cumia

Made a template for everyone, have fun #feednana

Highly appreciated


Good job brothaman.

He actually did the vector, too

Nice column, stupid.

Jesus, that's horrible. It doesn't even fit up top and it doesn't line up with anything on the bottom. He asked for that to be put there, no doubt.

It's so outta place.


Or, he and his idiot brother had just stepped over the threshold to look at the house for the first time, and fell in love with it immediately in some kind of retard roman THAT'S IT THIS IS WHAT WE'VE ALWAYS DREAMED OF! moment.

All the angles are so wacky it legitimately looks like a 19th century haunted funhouse. Perfect for a clown-haired nosferatu zooted on bars.

So so so so you're saying that isn't a load bearing column built by Marcus Aurelius?

Long island carpenter who installed it for him, in his most convincing long island carpenter-y accent: "Dat's what the Roman peoples always used to do. They'd cut a divot in the roof so that the column couldn't slip out. You want the mahble (HEH, the suckers all think it's mahble, we won't tell em about the deal I'm givin you) stickin' in there real good and snug. Gives it an air of authenticity. Back in those days they were always havin' floods and erruthquakes and shit you know?"

Hey, whoah, /r/packitchofsositch is pretending he architects.

i wonder how many toes have been stubbed trying to turn that corner

Nah, it's how the wops from two generations ago and the nouveau riche immigrant Asians, jungle Asians, and wops like their McMansions. I want columns, fuck the architectural aesthetic, Miguel.

I got a tree on my house. Fight me.

Side bar.


Not to minimize the good others have done with the template but I think this is the one we've been waiting for.

Times like this, I wish he was back on Twitter.

Can someone who's handy with photoshop use that to make an r/roastme sign for him? I'm curious how he's hold up over there.

If you can get me the original photo, I’ll do it for you. This one wasn’t the best job, you can see it was photoshopped where ant’s fingers are.

Got the fingers right, but no vector. Someone should add a little crease where he’s holding the paper, resize and scale it so it’s A4. There’s the original

truly looking like a Nana here

Oh boy

His house is ugly.


Don't get too distracted by Forehead O'Malley or Fatrick, or even Jim & Sam. We MUSN'T forget to FEED NANA.

The Colombo box set on the table. What a fucking asshole.

From Deep Discount, no doubt

pennies on the dollar!

Obviously fake. Hes only wearing one shirt

He's drunk in this picture

give him a break, it was almost noon

No, no, no, no.... I haven’t had nine thousand beers before 10am.

Thank you for your service.

The thumb indicates the amount of shirts he's wearing.

This and the mothers day one are fucking great. I appreciate and salute your guys autism.

100% Anthony

You fucking brothermen really do bring joy to my life

Nice cheap, wooden columns stupid

I specifically told this sub not to do this! Sorry ant, I tried

And that someone wasn't me. God bless you, child.