Attn u/Dr-buttertitsmcgilly

0  2019-05-10 by Dr-Seepage

What pathetic faggot ive forgotten about are you that hasn't forgotten about me enough to name themself after me? Child, go to an autistic support group or something.


I only just realised the gag, thats what a chip referencing nobody you are

You are clearly the winner in this

Deleting the thread would be the action a faggot would do, i can take my medicine

Name myself after you? My account is older than yours you stupid cunt

Fair enough, you just reek of this jilted ex girlfriend vibe

/u/visibleplan likes to unplug self checkouts at wal-mart and then lick the dust and grime off of the power cord.

He is not a good person folks.

Are you having a stroke?

Is this the autistic retard of the week?