For those who wanted evidence/proof that VisibleFaggot was blocking threads...

12  2019-05-10 by MrStealYourVape

Click "new" right now. The threads have finally come through (you can tell because it says they were posted 1 day ago). One of the better mods must have fixed that shit.

And what a coincidence, a bunch of them are about the mod team or VisiblePlan himself.



u/VisiblePlan fuck you

I just want my pussy fucked.

plz b my gf

u/RoliMosimann is that better mod. It could still be the admins removing them though. I don't know. I'm a shitty mod too. I do most of this from my phone so I'm not even really aware of this shit unless people tell me. I had someone private message me earlier about a post that definitely shouldn't have been taken down so I approved it.

I didn't look to see who removed them, I just approved them all. No idea what the fuck the deal was, there's no common theme. It's like they were removed at random.

Obviously, someone is a fan of Mick Foley, Chapo, bad comedians and Carol’s squirting.

I see what you're saying but I also saw these threads a day ago. I don't know what's happening.

It’s the fucking globalists, maaan

i had a problem earlier, not sure if connected to this, but my post was immediately removed, but thankfully a kind mod put it back up.

I've got lots of stuff immediately deleted lately as well.

Yeah, man. I posted this 2 days ago and it was immediately deleted. It's a live post now. Don't know who approved it but I thank them for their service.